Duggan’s case is an outrage exposed only by Collaery and P&I.
The US extradition case against Assange was similarly flawed and was equally subject to court backflips to bow to US unjust influence.
Of huge concern to me in these actions is that the good guys are forced onto the defence against unsupported allegations. Collaery is one who well understands, from being victim in personal experience, that it is the rule of law itself which is at stake, that justice is no longer blind in US, UK and Australia.
It is ludicrous that Duggan’s extradition is now to be decided by AG Dreyfus, who pretends that there is a “process” by which his decision is reached. The matter is subject to his unguided discretion precisely because Australia’s laws fail.
I hope that Collaery, who knows he has a knife and describes it in the last para, can find a way to go on the offence. Because Dreyfus is utterly ill-equipped to act justly and will succumb to nothing less than impending public humiliation.
I will now increase my financial support of P&I in gratitude.
I am conscious that I may be exposed to government recriminations by my actions.