Teals show the way to revive conviction democracy

Chris Young, Surrey Hills, Vic, Aug 20, 2024

Les MacDonald’s hope that democracy may finally be returning to its roots, where strength of conviction shapes policy, is personified by the parliamentary influx of Teals. These intelligent, capable individuals came to parliament holding a few conviction policies in common – strong action on climate, a strong NACC, a better, and safer world for women – and continue to operate, independently, through extensive, regular community consultation to understand and reflect the views of their communities in other matters.

Regrettably, the major parties seem to be closing ranks against this democratic revival. Labor’s proposed reforms to political donation laws, while reducing sharply the amounts that can be donated, are potentially placing smaller parties and independents at a huge electoral disadvantage. This is self-interest writ large, and will entrench the major parties and the oligarchic status quo. This would be a structural corruption of our democracy.

MacDonald calls for those of us who care to encourage and elect more independent community MPs, and thus disempower the major parties. Younger voters are becoming more politically engaged as the climate threat grows. They are making common cause with those who support community-based Independents to challenge the prevailing major party oligarchy. Good luck to all!

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