Thank you for Susie
Dear John Menadue,
We do not know you personally. But we feel we do; for your humanity, your determination to open the eyes and the hearts of your fellow Australians and for your love of truth. May we, therefore, offer you our deepest condolences for the passing of your partner in life and in idealism, Susie.
You say that Pearls and Irritations would not have ever been launched and allowed to prosper without her; that she was the pearl and you were the irritation. What a splendid combination you made. And what a loss you must be feeling. We loved reading the roll-call of your many faceted family. How fortunate you are to have such a magnificent brood around you, reminding you of the cycle of life and how it continues to revolve no matter what.
We would love to have been able to say thank you to Susie in her life-time. We would love her to know how all of those who bleed for Palestine are so grateful for your concern and your constant support. All our condolences, sir, for the passing of this remarkable woman, your wife.
Sandra & Jafar Ramini