The ABC’s reporting on Syria dumbs us down
My complaint letter to the ABC in response to one of Eric Tlozek’s news report from Damascus was critical of Tlozek’s reporting, certainly, as Gayle Davies suggests in her letter (6/1/25).
As an ABC correspondent in the Middle East (and as one who appears to speak Arabic), Tlozek should be aware of the dangers confronting Syria now that HTS is in charge and thousands of armed ‘jihadists’, many of them foreigners, are roaming Syria. A genocide on the scale of Rwanda’s could be committed in coming months. We should not be blind to this possibility.
As for the alleged sarin gas attack in Damascus in 2013, we would only need to have read Paul Malone’s article in the SMH to understand the controversy surrounding it. Tlozek should not let the word of someone presenting himself as a witness override the analysis of top scientists and investigative journalists.
When we are being dumbed down by our ABC, it means our politicians and public servants are, as well. It does not bode well for Australia.
We rely on ABC managers and journalists to abide by ABC Standards. Regarding Syria, they have been breaching them with impunity for 13 years.