The Australian’s ongoing climate disinformation
How refreshing that former editor-in-chief of The Australian, David Armstrong, should publish the Bureau of Meteorology’s annual mean temperature anomaly graph (1910-2023) and write “This little graph provides persuasive evidence that Australia is not just experiencing bad weather: the climate has changed.”
Recently, The Australian newspaper has tried to undermine both the Bureau and the CSIRO on climate matters. The latest assault came from Peter Ridd when he disparaged the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies both linked to JCU.
Earlier, Ridd had claimed that coral is the “least endangered of any ecosystem to future climate change.”
On 2 January 2024 in The Australian Ridd said, “The climate models used by the BOM and many other groups regularly are used to predict, with certainty, the end of the world because of “global boiling”. But those models are little better than a guess.”
It is hardly surprising that the first section of the Centre for Advancing Journalism’s submission in support of the Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023 is headed ‘Climate change: denial, disinformation and intimidation’