The clear need for truth in political advertising
The classic cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. This, as Lucy Hamilton identifies, captures the heart of the No campaign. Subjecting us to a litany of misrepresentations and fabrications, this Trumpian campaign imagines so many potential costs that could arise from a Voice, and so few potential benefits. As Hamilton explains, we are being subjected to these distortions of the truth by people on the taxpayer’s payroll. We are paying to be wilfully misled. This is an absolute abuse of public money. In this age where Donald Trump has led many to doubt the trustworthiness of key democratic institutions, the Australian Electoral Commission has not helped its own credibility by publishing the Yes and No statements unchecked. The Voice referendum may yet end as a case study supporting the critical need for truth in politics. We still have a long road to travel to make our democracy’s integrity secure from the cynicism which the No campaign exploits.