The economy
Chris Mills’ take on the economy is comparable to most in that it tinkers at the edges of Australia’s economy. The COALition in its time in office took the economy from the gutter into the sewer. Labor has been doing its utmost to lower it even further.
Ten years of abstemious economic activity on top of a dig-it-up-and-flog mentality have left Australia reeling, with all tax-paying Australians feeling the pinch. All social indicators are on the back foot as our quality of life deteriorates. Equality has gone out the back door as Australia’s young are left holding the can.
Both major parties are bereft of any quality in government policy and it’s policy that drives the economy, not the Reserve Bank. Until we can revise our policy including our taxation system, we can’t move forward and the majors haven’t got the intestinal fortitude to do that.