The implosion of a hollowed out regime?

Margaret Callinan, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Nov 8, 2024

In May, before she and Macron met Xi, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen said she wanted trade with China that’s “fair and not distorted”. Well hello, isn’t that the free market in action, if another country can sell goods cheaper than you? Now, Trump wins. Together, these events should have been the anticipated end point of free market, neo-liberal economics and its “survival of the fittest” individualism masked as “freedom”.

US law allows millions to be crushed by the wealth of a tiny minority, paid less than living wages by those who get rich at their expense. Little in the way of health care and social security either. The downtrodden are very much in Joe Hockey “Lifters and leaners; Get a better job” territory. They’ve no incentive to respect their own law let alone think of consequences for other nations.

In the US the poor and those with a social conscience can “blow the place up” by voting for Trump. As Australia approaches the wealth/poverty divide of the US we know we can be saved from a Trump by our electoral system. If Liberal and Labor don’t learn what the “teal” revolution is about, unlike Trump, they won’t win.

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