The West’s latest failed ‘March on Moscow’
After three years, Ukraine has been shredded. Russia is winning the war with an enhanced military, a robust economy, an established and supported leader and a respected position in the world.
In opposition, we have a Europe reeling from sanctions blowback, recessions looming and EU nation states’ leaders falling by the wayside. And so they should, having abandoned Europe’s source of reliable and cheap energy, the energy that fuelled Europe’s economic well-being
NATO is looking like a busted flush.
Nuclear is an option, but given the proven success of Russia’s countering every weapons system supplied to date by the West to Ukraine, is that any kind of a good idea?
So, what happened? An historical perspective helps.
Once a century for three centuries a Western leader decided to march on Moscow. Napoleon went first, then Hitler and now Biden.
Will the lesson be learned? Don’t poke the Bear.
A good place to start repairing the rips in the world’s political garment would be to take the political group known as neocons who gained office and power in the US during the Clinton administrations in the 1990s, and show them the door.