There are other options for ending Ukraine War

Tony Kevin, Canberra, Jan 6, 2025

Russia will not leave Ukraine a broken state under Western protection (Beebe’s third suggested option). Russia will go on fighting and steadily capturing more territory for as long as Kiev keeps fighting and attempting acts of sabotage, terrorism, or drone or missile attacks into Russia.

Russia will negotiate while it fights, but only when Kiev accepts the realities of Russia’s firm negotiating position: neutral Ukraine pledged never to join NATO, no Western security guarantees, human rights protections for ethnic Russians, Russian speakers and for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Beebe wrongly suggests both sides must concede ground in a negotiation. This is not true in the present case. Russia has a commanding military advantage, high morale at home, and can go on taking more territory for as long as Ukraine and US/ NATO choose to go on shedding blood and treasure. This will end in a negotiated peace on Russia’s terms, out of which will come a smaller Ukraine as a state friendly to both Russia and the West. Russia won’t be provoked into WW3 and Trump will accept such a future for Ukraine.

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