Universities as a place of higher learning? YES

Bob Pearce, Adelaide SA, Oct 4, 2024

As a 72 year old retired I like to think successful Tradie I have had a front row seat of the mess that is our education system has become.

I went to a Technical school because I wasn’t smart enough to go to a High school. Then they closed technical schools. Did an apprentice at a specific Trade school, Trade schools were integrated / lost to the TAFE system.

I watched as HR employed apprentices base on their academic score not their trade aptitude, the beginning of the shortage of tradies.

I listened as my school teacher friends spruced for a Uni education for all and listened to my Uni professor friends complained about the lack off funding for research and the dumbing down of degrees due to a quantity not quality approach.

Overseas students, any overseas student, was the ultimate in quantity.

Now I’m hearing that for Universities defence is the answer, how to build a better bomb.

What I see in all our institutions is POLITICAL interference. Opposition for opposition’s sake.

Seldom do I see Government govern.

What good governance would look like is no HECS debt on selected degrees if you pass.

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