WA GST revenue vs NSW pokies Revenue

Gareth Smith, Perth, Jan 12, 2024

The article in question reads as fairly myopic, with tunnel vision.

No mention of royalty offsets, no mention how NSW collects nearly as much pokies revenue as WA royalties, but the pokies revenue is not included in the GST calculation – WA should be rewarded for not allowing the pokies scourge if nothing else.

Also, WA is the size of Western Europe and needs to spend on infrastructure to enable the king flow of revenue to all. WA is not getting endless underground rail networks and so on to anywhere near the same scale as Vic or NSW.
Finally no mention how originally one key selling point of the GST was removal of stamp duty on property, yet no states have kept that promise.

Undoubtedly there is more, but seems a one dimensional tirade was the desired editorial outcome.

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