Why Israel envies the Palestinians so much.

Jill Dixon, Melbourne, Jan 12, 2024

I visited Israel in the mid eighties and was confronted by the Israeli informed stereotype of the lazy, ill-educated Arab, uninterested in improving the land and water that provided their food. I lazily failed to search for any contrary evidence until reading comments by Gazans much more recently in social media. In contrast to the stereotype, they were smart, switched on to technologies and the world around them, educated, ambitious for themselves and their country, passionate, and vitally connected with their family and friends. Tragically, many of them would ask if they would wake up the following morning.

The small amount of research I did to further explore this impression showed me that young Palestinian people are reported to be amongst the most literate group in the world. A Google search would reveal these findings, reported by various esteemed bodies such as the World Bank, UN bodies and so on.

The Israelis who want to suppress and subjugate young Palestinians must hate and envy them for their resilience, their love of life and their country, however compromised it must be by their oppressor. No wonder they wish to eliminate these qualities when their own purpose is death and destruction.

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