Wild Weather Is Already Upon Us

Maria Polmeer, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Australia, Nov 1, 2024

I am an 81 yr old semi-retired Trauma Therapist and former Maritime Rescue Worker who was aware twenty five years ago that it would be better to move inland away from the sea.

My Cranial Osteopath sent this article to me because while he silently treats me, I sometimes burble on about The Gulf Stream.

I cannot help it and have been saying since 2005 that “If the melt from Greenland cools the Gulf Stream there will be instant Ice Age in the UK. ”

I’m a positive thinking person yet sometimes I burst out with things like “We’re lemmings poised over a sea full of plastic!” All of this comes from an intuitive source which is sometimes scoffed at by people with a healthy armour of rationality.

To see your well written article which explains the situation from a scientific point of view moved me to tears.

Climate emergency and food shortages will one day be upon us but I feel that destruction of the planet is cyclic. Yes, we are destroying everything and burning fossil fuel but Man and beast have been swept away before.

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