2020: a year in review for Pearls and Irritations

Dec 22, 2020

Despite the turmoil of 2020, Pearls and Irritations almost tripled in size. Perhaps 2020 was a year where independent comment and analysis was needed and appreciated more than most.

Monthly readership has grown from roughly 140,000 page views this time last year to more than 300,000 this past month.

This equates to an audience of almost 100,000 individual readers turning to Pearls and Irritations every month. This is up from roughly 35,000 last year.

Our growth as a community and a platform has seen a steady stream of highly appreciated writers join the ranks of our established authors. We have also been met with growing attention from the major news outlets in terms of mentions.

P&I has even had the honour of being translated by the Chinese publication Reference News, though perhaps the translation, Pearls and Stimulations, leaves a little to be desired!

On any given week you can find up to six people working to deliver P&I’s daily offerings and keep all the balls in the air. We are all astonished that John and Susie were able to forge ahead for so many years on their own.

2020 has been a most trying, yet wonderful, year, and we on the Pearls and Irritations team are honoured and astonished to be a part of this community. Built on the values of resilience and truth, I think P&I community is best summed up by an old saying of John’s: “Don’t complain. Do something about it.”

We look forward to next year and all that it may bring. Thank you to all readers and supporters of P&I and best wishes for a peaceful holiday break.

There will be no posts from December 25 – 27. However, we have prepared some enjoyable reading for the holiday period.

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