In 2024, humanity – as a whole – took a purposeful stride towards engineering the collapse of modern civilisation.
While climate, politics, wars and celebrities vied for the headlines, the hard indicators of human management of Planet Earth and our own future were all pointing south. Here is a selection of catastrophic risks for 2024, based on trusted information:
Forest loss: 488 m ha tree cover lost since 2000. Current loss is around 25mha/ year to all causes, including agriculture, development, wildfires and climate.
Water: 4.1 billion people experienced severe water scarcity for at least part of 2024. This is expected to worse in 2025.
Soil loss: 40% of the world’s topsoil is lost or degraded, damaging food and nutrition for 3 billion people.
Fish: 38% of world capture fisheries are now rated unsustainable.
War: the Doomsday Clock stands at 90 seconds to midnight, the highest threat level since WW2 and the 1980s.
Climate: 2024 is the hottest year ever recorded at +1.54 degrees above preindustrial levels. Humans emitted 41.6 bn tonnes of CO2 in 2024. Atmospheric carbon levels were 425ppm in December and rising at record rates.
Pandemics: Covid: 770m cases and 7m deaths since 2020 and still spreading. HIV: 88m cases and 44m deaths and still spreading. New pandemic risks include Avian Flu, Marburg, Zika and Nipah.
Food scarcity: Food prices remain high, globally. 770 million people face hunger and 343 million, acute food scarcity. Climate, soil loss, water scarcity and eco-decline are major drivers.
Extinction: 73% decline in global wildlife populations in past 50 years, driven by habitat loss and degradation due to agriculture and development, overharvesting and spread of toxic chemicals.
Pollution: 14 million deaths (24%) are linked to a polluted environment, soil, water, food, homes and cities.
Technology threats: several advanced technologies pose catastrophic risks, driven by industry competition and political manipulation. These include AI, robotic killing machines, nanotechnology, cyber theft, gain-of-function biotechnology and universal surveillance.
Population: The Earth’s human population reached 8.2 billion in 2024. It is currently growing at 70m a year and is forecast to peak at 10.3bn in the mid-2080s.
Misinformation: misinformation, anti-science and lies reached a new peak in 2024, affecting national elections, the climate debate, conflict, social media, mainstream media, advertising, public trust in medicine, and conspiracy theories.
This brief summary of current threat levels of the main catastrophic risks menacing the human population overall show that the problem is far more complex that many people seem to think. It is not just about climate. Or even the threat of nuclear war. It is the whole railway-smash of multiple factors coming together at one time.
If you scrape away the politics, the propaganda and other forms of misleading information, you are left with the undeniable truth: the root cause of the problem lies in human overpopulation, overconsumption and over-pollution.
Humanity is now exploding past the finite boundaries of Planet Earth, as the Stockholm Resilience Centre has been warning us for fifteen years now.
Any farmer can tell you what happens if you try to graze 1000 cattle in a field large enough to support only 250. They die horribly as food and water run out. There are countless examples of this in both nature and human affairs.
According to a growing number of scientists, humans have currently overpopulated the planet by a factor of three or four – and the decline in natural resources, climate crisis, food crisis, pandemics, spreading poisons, extinction rates, soaring migration and resulting social pressures are the direct and self-evident consequences.
No country on earth has a solution to this problem, for the simple reason that countries and their blind self-interest, are the main cause of it. By uniting ourselves into ever-larger territorial units and then vying over the Earth’s dwindling resources we are perfecting an engine for our own extermination – a engine decorated with flags, anthems, symbols, ‘national pride’ and other chauvinistic rubbish.
It is a brutal truth of modern politics that countries are never going to agree with one another to save humanity, or how to do it, before it is far too late to do so. Indeed, many now seem bent on installing crude, autocratic regimes that will accelerate their ruin. 2024 marked an ominous milestone in that grim regression.
If humans are to have any chance of avoiding the collapse that is now so powerfully indicated, then it is only by the individual citizens of the Earth, led by women, joining hands to do so – despite the corruption of rulers, the ignorance of oligarchs and the self-interest of corporations, ethnicities and beliefs.
If we humans are to survive, on a plant fit to be inhabited by our grandchildren, then first of all we must agree to survive. There is no other choice.
And excellent starting point would be to forge a world agreement to survive, which pledges us to addressing each of the catastrophic threats we face. That is what the Earth System Treaty proposes. Let 2025 be the Year of the Treaty – first first-ever democratic agreement among the people of the Earth about their own future.
Also, such is the torrent of lies and misinformation that has now engulfed our present systems of government and social discourse we also need something else – a news and information site where the true, validated facts about the human plight are presented for all to understand and heed, undistorted by politics or commercial interest. A site where science can speak its truth so all can understand it.
For that, we encourage readers of Pearls and Irritations to watch this space…