John Menadue’s website adds real value across all aspects of Australia’s governance and policy development.
Pearls and Irritations has become an exploratory platform for thinkers and analysts out to both share their insights and knowledge and test themselves against an informed peer group. In that way, John Menadue’s website adds real value across all aspects of Australia’s governance and policy development. It has become an antidote to mainstream media’s propensity for populism, prejudice and exploitable ignorance.
Quentin Dempster is a former senior journalist from the ABC and former Chairman of the Walkley Foundation.
Can you help us grow our reach?
Pearls and Irritations needs financial support to keep improving and growing, and to help us maintain our independence.
For the first time and for a short period of time we can offer tax deductibility on donations through the Australian Cultural Fund which is a fundraising platform for Australian artists. It is operated by Creative Australia and was established by the Australian Government in 2003 to encourage donations to the arts.
You can make your one-off donation here.
Your donation will be gratefully received and we are grateful for those who have already donated.