Australia needs to hear its tone of voice in our conversations more than ever

Aug 8, 2024
Chat symbol and Quotation Mark - hanging on the strings Image:iStock/Palto

Pearls & Irritations needs support at a critical time and when Australia needs to hear its tone of voice in our conversations more than ever.

Pearls & Irritations is unique, indispensable, provocative and refreshing. It really does make a difference.

That is because of the people who read it and their influence on ideas. It needs support at a critical time and when Australia needs to hear its tone of voice in our conversations more than ever.

Bob Carr was former NSW Premier and Commonwealth Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade.


We hope that you can help us to continue to raise the bar in the Australian media landscape with a one-off donation.

As always, we appreciate your ongoing support and readership.

How to donate:
For the first time and for a short period of time we can offer tax deductibility on donations through the Australian Cultural Fund which is a fundraising platform for Australian artists. It is operated by Creative Australia and was established by the Australian Government in 2003 to encourage donations to the arts.
You can make your one-off donation here.


Read John Menadue’s statement on Pearls and Irritations and the future:

Can you help Pearls and Irritations raise the bar in Australia’s media landscape?

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