Australian Leadership to end the war on Gaza: open letter to the Prime Minister

Jul 24, 2024
Labor Senator Fatima Payman arrives for a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Thursday, July 4, 2024. Image: AAP Image/Lukas Coch

We write to express our extreme concern that Senator Payman has resigned from the Labor Government.

Letter sent to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the end of the Parliamentary session in June requesting urgent Australian Leadership to end the War on Gaza

Dear Prime Minister,

We write to express our extreme concern that Senator Payman has resigned from the Labor Government.

We are saddened that you as a well-known strong advocate for Palestinian statehood, could not have prevented this most unfortunate situation where failure to implement Labor Party policy has led to a very public dispute in the party, union movement and the community.

The tragedy of Gaza is recognised by many Australians who want to see your government initiating more active support for the people of Gaza and the West Bank.

Therefore, we strongly recommend

  • that you appoint former Foreign Minister Bob Carr to lead a “Rebuilding and Rehabilitation Taskforce” to work with a wide range of Australian individuals and organisations to develop an Australian Plan of Action for Gaza that will be ready for immediate implementation when a ceasefire occurs.
  • that your government must recognise it cannot continue to accept the Government of Israel as a “trusted friend “so sanctions, comparable to those imposed on the Government of Russia after it invaded Ukraine, must be immediately announced .
  • that the occasion of the NSW ALP State Conference in July would provide a welcome opportunity for the announcement of Australian recognition of the State of Palestine.

We are writing this letter in confidence for your early consideration and response because we genuinely want to see an end to the blame game and a re-emergence of traditional Australian Labor Party leadership in foreign policy.

Yours sincerely,

Alison Broinowski    Ali Kazak             Mary Kostakidis
John Menadue         Stuart Rees        Margaret Reynolds

Further update
Since this letter was sent further developments in the Parliament of Israel and the International Court of Justice have increased the urgency for the Australian Government to act and we appeal to the Prime Minister to commit his government to its responsibilities under international law. It is important to note Australia’s Justice Hilary Charlesworth appended a declaration to the International Court of Justice most recent advisory opinion that Israel’s occupation “does not qualify as an act of self defence”.

Quotes from letter signatories:
“Last week the Israeli Knesset passed a resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state (68-9) even as part of a peace agreement. Israel’s rejection invalidates the Federal Government’s claims to postpone implementation of its policy to recognise the State of Palestine. Furthermore, on July 19th the decision of the International Court of Justice, ruled that Israel’s occupation and the colonies it built in the Palestinian territories in 1967, as well as the presence of Jewish colonists and the apartheid wall, are all illegal. The Court’s advice is that U.N member states must not render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation. The Albanese Government must urgently respond after months of ignoring both the International Criminal Court allegations of complicity and the International Court of Justice statements about genocide in Gaza and Rafah.”
– Ali Kazak

“Your government has many times referred to the importance of a “rules based international order” But it has not adequately responded to the recent ICJ Advisory Opinion that:

  • Israel’s continued presence  in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is unlawful
  • Israel is under an obligation to end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as rapidly as possible and
  • Israel is under an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities and to evacuate all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

– John Menadue

“References to harmony in our multicultural community ring hollow when such double standards are applied in our government’s response to the actions of other States. It is beyond time for strong condemnation of Israel’s actions and firm measures that will contribute to ensuring Israel cease its crimes against humanity and is prevailed upon to participate in a peaceful and just settlement.”
– Mary Kostakidis

“Failure to respond to this letter suggests the indifference to citizen requests has become a central feature of a government characterised by cowardly inconsistencies as in treating a young courageous senator badly yet refusing to consistently condemn Israel’s slaughter and destruction. Equally discouraging is the refusal to take seriously the proposal that Australia via the offices of the former Foreign Minister Bob Carr should take initiatives to promote peace and justice in a ravaged land and in the interests of a persecuted and oppressed people. A significant Labor State Conference has an opportunity to promote Australian initiatives for peace to cease collusion with Israel’s illegalities. These goals represent the aspirations of a common humanity and would make a courageous change of policy direction by the Australian Government.”
– Stuart Rees

“Time’s up Prime Minister!
What more evidence do you need to recall our Ambassador to Israel, impose sanctions and join the international community in demanding a ceasefire and independent negotiations?”
– Margaret Reynolds

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