Christmas gift idea – Pearls and Irritations in print

Nov 10, 2015

Orders are now open for Fairness, Opportunity and Security: Filling the Policy Vacuum, edited by John Menadue and Michael Keating, and published by ATF Press.

coverThe book is a collection of the special policy series of blogs that was published earlier this year.

At last week’s launch, Fairfax economics columnist Ross Gittins said of series: ‘I hope this project of turning them into a book will make them even more accessible and more widely read. They certainly deserve to be.’

Topics include Democratic Renewal, the Role of Government, Foreign Policy, the Economy, Retirement Incomes, Population/migration/refugees, Communications and the Arts, Security – internal and Human Rights, Security, Health, Development of Human Capital, Environment, Indigenous affairs, Welfare and Inequality.

Among the authors are Ken Henry, Ian Marsh, Stephen FitzGerald, Cavan Hogue, Richard Butler, Stuart Harris, John McCarthy, Andrew Podger, Julianne Schultz, Kim Williams, Susan Ryan, Michael Wesley, Jennifer Doggett, Glen Withers, Chris Bonnor and Ian McAuley.

Gittins described the book’s contribution to robust conversation about policy at this time as unique and indispensable: ‘In view of this policy vacuum needing to be filled, it’s really great to have John providing this new platform and encouraging former bureaucrats to use it. Never has their contribution been more needed. We independent media commentators do our best to evaluate the government’s performance, but there’s nothing like a former bureaucrat to be able to see through the smoke and mirrors and decipher the true position.’

CLICK HERE to download the flyer and order form. For a limited time, the book is available for $49.95 (paperback) and $69.95 (hardback).

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