Five-minute scroll

Sep 16, 2024
Close up cropped of woman holding smartphone in hand. Image:iStock/fizkes

We start the week with our five-minute scroll on X to bring you a sample of the world and local issues that may not be found in our mainstream media. Today the first posts we saw include the plea to educate yourself on the history of Israel’s actions in Gaza, Malcolm Turnbull talks reality regarding AUKUS, Yemen sends a missile 2000 kilometres into Israel, the Philippines speaks to peaceful coexistence with China and Miriam Margolyes speaks out about Israel to the Jewish community in Australia.

Educate yourself about Gaza

Malcolm Turnbull talks AUKUS reality

Missile travels 2,000kms to hit its target

We want to go back to shared co-existence

Miriam Margolyes speaks out about Israel in the name of humanity

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