Time for Israelis to self-reflect and acknowledge responsibility for the war in Gaza

May 26, 2024
Heavily guarded border between Palestine and Israel

“For 57 years, Israel has been maintaining a regime of wrongdoing and evil, and now, at last, the world is waking up and starting to act against it. Will it also be able to wake up at least some Israelis from their heedless, twisted sense of justice?” writes senior Haaretz journalist Gideon Levy.

Watch the full Al Jazeera interview here:


For more on this topic, P&I recommends:

Gideon Levy, “At last, justice. But will Israelis start waking up?”

Better for Israel, at this difficult moment, to look inwards, at long last, to see its own portrait.

“For 57 years, Israel has been maintaining a regime of wrongdoing and evil, and now, at last, the world is waking up and starting to act against it. Will it also be able to wake up at least some Israelis from their heedless, twisted sense of justice?”

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