HENRY REYNOLDS supports Pearls and Irritations.

Apr 16, 2020

As a daily reader of Pearls and Irritations and an occasional contributor, I am keenly aware of how important it is both to me personally and to the community at large. The range of topics and the array of talent is irreplaceable. No-where else can one find such authoritative commentary presented in a succinct and accessible style.

Henry Reynolds is an eminent Australian historian.

From John Menadue.  Please make a financial contribution to help  keep Pearls and Irritations independent, free to all subscribers and free of advertising.

A contribution will help ease our workload,provide more technical backup and support and promote Pearls and Irritations to a wider audience.  Over 330 of our subscribers have generously contributed.

Could you help? See ‘CONTRIBUTE’ in Right Hand Column of home page or at the bottom of this email.


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