Is America marching in the final footsteps of the British empire?

Jan 31, 2025
American Military Observes The US Flag At Sunset.

Yu-Book Lim used to head a Singapore think tank and was Executive Chairman of IMC Plantations before that. He has just published an extended, thought-provoking essay: “Xi Jinping’s “Once-in-a-Century Upheaval” Prophecy

Towards the end of this article, Mr Lim confidently argues that: “The US will become a has-been like the UK, albeit still suffering from world power delusions.” The rest of this sweeping, informed article either directly or implicitly explains why this is so.

Many topics and themes are addressed including: Chinese history, Taiwan, Xinjiang (recently visited) American militarised global domination, US politics, US debt, the US dollar, Gaza, various world leaders – and the Trump-like bargaining principles of an Australian billionaire.

Joe Biden is ultimately described as “an old fool.” But he is also argued to have eagerly amplified Trump’s, first-term anti-China project, thus reinforcing the foundations for the hostile geopolitical approach now promised by the second Trump administration. Moreover, with significant help from his hand-picked team (including Blinken, Yellen, Austin, Raimondo and Nicholas Burns in Beijing) Biden helped set Trump up for his recent electoral triumph over Kamala Harris.

Xi Jinping, meanwhile, has astutely and effectively been preparing China for a long-foreseen American-led geopolitical upheaval, according to Lim. Lim cites China’s extraordinary developmental achievements and respected commentators like Mahbubani, Sachs, Yeo and White, together with certain “wiser leaders” as he rounds off this argument.

Most readers will find that this constructive review, almost 5,000 words long, sparks critical reflection.

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