Jeffrey Sachs: “US Subservient to Israel”

Aug 3, 2024
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel gives a joint address to Congress in the US Capitol in Washington, DC on July 24, 2024. The Prime Minister’s visit caused mixed reactions from Congress, with some members refusing to attend or claiming to have other preexisting commitments. Image:AAP/ Annabelle Gordon/Sipa USA

A MUST-WATCH 29-minute interview in which Jeffrey Sachs tells it like it is and as few others dare to tell it.

Andrew Napolitano from Judging Freedom talks with Jeffrey Sachs about the credibility of the US in the diplomatic community, its freefalling position in the world, much of which is not covered in mainstream media, in the US or abroad. There is fear, power but very little respect, says Sachs.

“One of the great shames of American politics in recent times to see this display of pitiful obeisance of the US to the mass murderer standing at the podium and in the context of tens of thousands of innocent women and children being slaughtered to the moment that Netanyahu talked and then he gave a litany of complete lies and after that has gone on with the continued murder and provocations of a wider War in the Middle East.”

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