Update to May 2017 ‘Making Housing Affordable’ series

May 21, 2018

Pearls and Irritations continues to publish various blogs on housing affordability, recognising that the cost of and accessibility to appropriate housing remains out of reach for a significant part of the Australian population.

In May 2017, we published a series of blogs entitled Making Housing Affordable, looking at key aspects of the housing crisis, and possible avenues for reform.  Contributions were provided from a range of experts and other key stakeholders.  A downloadable PDF of that series is available here.


One year on, Pearls and Irritations will be publishing (from Monday 21 May) an update to the Making Housing Affordable series, by way of a pulse check on what has changed both on the ground and in terms of reform initiatives.

As readers will see, there is sadly little of a positive nature to report, particularly in terms of meaningful reform.   While the breathtaking rate of increase in house prices has thankfully slowed (or even reversed modestly) in some of our largest capital cities, it has escalated rapidly in others, notably Tasmania.  Housing across our major urban centres remains largely unaffordable to buy or rent for those on lower incomes.  Furthermore, the rate of homelessness shows no sign of abating.

The forthcoming update series of blogs features contributions by well-known independent economist Saul Eslake and Grattan Institute CEO, John Daley and his colleague Brendan Coates, and also includes blogs from UNSW’s City Futures Research Centre Professor Hal Pawson and his colleague Dr Chris Martin, Sydney University Professor Peter Phibbs, Jack de Groot (CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society NSW), Wendy Hayhurst (CEO of the NSW Federation of Housing Associations), Ned Cutcher (Senior Policy Officer with Shelter NSW) and Leo Patterson Ross (Senior Policy Officer with Tenants’ Union of NSW).

We hope you will find this series of updates informative and would welcome your suggestions and comments on the issues and ideas canvassed by the contributors.

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