Anzacs fought and died at Gallipoli for Britain, not Australia
Apr 25, 2018Conservatives and militarists want us to cling to a disastrous imperial war. Such a war could never be ‘nation building’ as the apologists for empire suggest. It was quite the reverse.The Anzac myth makers encourage us to focus on how our soldiers fought in order to avoid the central issue of why we fought. We do the same today, highlighting the valour of our military and avoiding the much more important question of why we were in Turkey and Vietnam and now in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.
The four-year and well-funded carnival celebrating Anzac and WWI is rolling on. The carnival will depict WWI as the starting point of our nation, as our coming of age!
It was nothing of the sort. It was a sign of our international immaturity and dependence on others. What was glorious about involving ourselves in the hatreds and rivalry of European powers that had wrought such carnage in Europe over centuries? Many of our forebears came to Australia to get away from this. But conservatives, our war historians and colonel blimps chose deliberately to draw us back to the stupidities and hatreds of Europe. Conservatives and militarists want us to cling to a disastrous imperial war. They encourage us to focus on how our soldiers fought in order to avoid the central issue of why we fought.
It seems that the greater the political and military stupidity of wars that we have been involved in, the more we are encouraged to hide behind the valour of our service people at Gallipoli, the Western Front and elsewhere. The ‘leadership’ of Winston Churchill, General Haig and General Ian Hamilton were catastrophic both for the British and for us. Australian and New Zealand forces at Gallipoli were commanded by a British General. No hiding behind the sacrifice of troops can avoid the facts. We should not have been there and it was a disaster.It was the Australian IMPERIAL Force for many years.
The more we ignore the political and military mistakes of the past, the more likely we are to make similar mistakes in the future. And we keep doing it. If we had a sense of our calamitous involvement in wars in the past like WWI we would be less likely to make foolish decisions to involve ourselves in wars like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria. When will be an adult nation and stop being at the beck and call of imperial powers whether they be Britain or America?
Our history is littered with tragic military adventures, being led by the nose by either the UK or the US. It goes on from the Boer War, the Sudan War and more recently, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. In all these cases, and just like WWI, we have desperately tried to hide behind the valour of our service people.
The most important and justified war in which we have fought as a nation was WWII, in defence of our own people and land. But WWII is rated by the Australian War Memorial and so many others as of much less significance. WW1 Is the Holy Grail where we indulge our nostalgia and dependence.
On April 25 each year we are told unthinkingly that the great sacrifice of WWI was in defence of freedom and the right. But I don’t think that those who spout these empty woods even believe it themselves. It just does not ring true. Tony Abbott told us that WW1 was a ‘just war’. But what was ‘just’ about it?
Australians at Gallopli didn’t die for freedom,democracy or even their own country.They died for Britain. That’s a fact but we refuse to face it.We prefer to follow the myth makers.
It is claimed that it united this country, but it divided us in a way that we had never been divided before or since with Billy Hughes exploiting the anti-Irish and anti-Catholic sentiment in the country. Only 30% of eligible men chose to enlist. WWI was a great divider. It was not a unifier despite the platitudes of Anzac Day.
Some claim that WWI was to bring peace to Europe. But the war and its aftermath laid the ground for even greater death and destruction in WWII.
In relation to our population, our greatest loss of lives was in the Frontier Wars that lasted for 140 years and where in Queensland alone at least 50,000 indigenous people died in defence of their land. It was a war of very long duration and catastrophic in terms of loss of life. But we ignore it in favour of the myths of Anzac. Best we forget the Frontier Wars.
In memory of war we are so dreadfully selective.
Yet it was the Frontier Wars -the forcible occupation of a vast continent- and not the wars of Gallipoli or the Somme that made Australia.
The first time Australians and New Zealanders fought together was against the Maoris in New Zealand in the 1850s and 1860s. The ANZAC connection was not forged at Gallipoli but half a century before in the Maori Wars. It’s best that we forget that too. It doesn’t do our self-respect much good to recall that we first fought together with New Zealanders in a race war to quell the Maori people.
The early and remarkable achievements of this young country at the turn of the century and early in the 19th Century are blotted out by the blood and blather of WWI, ANZAC and Gallipoli. We talk endlessly about the Gallipoli landings. A more honest description would be the invasion of the Ottoman Empire/Turkey.
Federation in 1900 was a remarkable achievement, pulling together our six colonies into a nation. We led the world in universal suffrage, the rights of women, industrial democracy and the minimum wage. The ‘Australian ballot’ or secret ballot was progressively adopted in the Australian states in the latter half of the nineteenth century. We were a world leader. Our ballot was adopted in New Zealand, Canada, UK and US
In 1904 we had not only Australia’s first Labor Government. It was the first in the world. The rights of working people as expressed in the Harvester Judgement of 1907 put Australia as a leader on the world stage. We were an advanced social laboratory. Before WWI there were two decades of remarkable nationhood and advancement for ordinary people.
But conservatives didn’t like any of that. They had to change the subject. With the help of pliant war historians, they set about to drag us back to the heartbreak of the past and the nostalgia of empire. And they succeeded with the help of Billy Hughes and other Labor renegades
In the process, we broke our own heart – or as Marilyn Lake has expressed in Pearls and Irritations ‘WWI fractured the nation’s soul’.
It is time we were honest with ourselves and discounted the myths of WWI, ANZAC and Gallipoli.
Instead, we should celebrate the two remarkable decades of progress before the catastrophe of WWI. And never forget the Frontier Wars.
See also ‘The Wars we would rather forget.’