Melbourne Symphony Orchestra strikes the wrong note on Gaza

Aug 20, 2024
Close Up of a Piece of Sheet Music

A well-known Australian band, The Cat Empire, has decided not to perform three shows scheduled with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra over the treatment meted out to Australian-British classical pianist Jayson Gillham.

In addition, MSO musicians passed a vote of no-confidence in senior management following which the board said it would carry out an independent review into the organisation’s policies, procedure and processes.

The action against Gillham was taken for statements he made in support of Palestinian journalists who have been killed during Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

Gillham, who made the comments during a recital on August 11, had been scheduled to perform works from Beethoven, Chopin and others, during the world premiere of Witness, a 2024 composition by Australian Connor D’Netto, on August 14.

But after Gillham’s performance on August 11, Thursday’s entire concert was cancelled, leading to a storm of protest. The MSO now says the concert will be rescheduled.

Sophie Galaise, managing director of the MSO, claimed the initial decision to remove Gillham had been driven by security considerations.

A number of letters reacting to the action against Gillham, all sent to Galaise, are given under:

Dr Stuart Rees AM, Professor Emeritus, University of Sydney: “I write with a sense of disgust at the MSO decision to dismiss concert pianist Jayson Gillian for saying that he wanted to devote a piece of music to the memory of 100 journalists slaughtered in the Gaza war.

“His brave and principled statement is then headed ‘anti-Semitic rant’. Who conjured this heading, who are you and your colleagues trying to appease?

“With what morality in mind are you attempting to use the status of the MSO to behave as though the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians is of little consequence, a figure which The Lancet estimates to be nearer 186,000 ?

Whatever the number, this end-of-time slaughter needs to end and the dead at least be accorded acknowledgement by citizens from all walks of life and certainly from concert platforms.

“And please don’t trot out the knee-jerk reaction that tributes to slaughtered people show support for Hamas and represent anti-Semitism.”

Dr Alison Broinowski AM, Australians for War Powers Reform: “I join others in expressing my disgust at your decision to cancel a concert because the pianist told the truth about murderous events in Gaza.

“Silencing him will not stop Israel’s defiance of international courts, nor Australia’s complicity in it. The MSO should have the courage to stand by its choice of Jason Gillian, and defend Australians’ right to hear him.

Sawsan Madina, former head of SBS Television: I am appalled by the The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s decision to cancel an upcoming performance of pianist Jayson Gillham because of comments he made about the killing of Palestinian journalists in Gaza.

“I appreciate the pressures that must have led you to cancel Jayson Gillham’s upcoming performance but I remain appalled by your decision. You told ticket holders: ‘The MSO understands that his remarks have caused offence and distress and offers a sincere apology.’ That the murder of 113 journalists is not offensive, but the remarks about the fact are, is too painful for words.

“You say you do not condone the use of your stage as a platform for expressing personal political views. In fact politics and the arts have always intersected. I would like to refer you to an interview on the subject, with Louise Adler. In the interview, she says “The world looked away during the World War, and Jews, six million of our people, were murdered in that looking away… It is incumbent upon humanity to look at what is happening in Gaza now and to say we will not accept this. We will say no. Not in our name.”

Mary Kostakidis, former newsreader at SBS TV: “Like many, I’m appalled Jayson was cancelled for dedicating a piece of music to the 176 journalists killed in Gaza in 10 months.

“Genocide is one time – if no other – when humanity must come before $$$$$.”

John Menadue, Founder and Publisher, Pearls & Irritations: “Journalists have attempted to put the spotlight on the charnel house killings of Palestinians. To support the Israeli propaganda machine, the IDF targets and deliberately kills journalists and pretends it is targeting Hamas.

“Australian complicity with Israel and the US in genocide in Gaza shames us all. Israel has been ethnic cleansing in Palestine since 1948. It did not start last October. Please reconsider your decision on Jayson Gillham.”

Ali Kazak, former Palestinian diplomat: “I am extremely concerned, stressed, and appalled to hear the MSO has cancelled acclaimed pianist Jayson Gillham’s recital because of comments he made on Israel’s killing of over 100 journalists in Gaza.

“One would think the MSO would stand with Mr Gillham and would be proud to have a member standing up against such an Israeli crime against humanity. Only those racists with no humanity who are defending the internationally condemned Israel’s war crime would be ‘offended’.

“The MSO needs to apologise to its audience and all decent Australians who stand beside Mr Gillham and condemn Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinian people. “

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