From a private to a public company and determined to fill the void left by our monopoly and Washington focussed media.
We have established a not for profit company Pearls and Irritations Journal Limited. This is designed to ensure that Pearls and Irritations continues and grows.
I am 89 and my wife Susie has health problems. We need to prepare for transition.
The Directors of the new company are as follows:
Joseph Camilleri: is an Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University.Professor Camilleri is one of Australia’s leading International Relations scholars. With over 30 years experience, Professor Camilleri has pursued a wide range of research interests covering almost the entire gamut of the International Relations discipline.
Jocelyn Chey: AM is a Visiting Professor at the University of Sydney and Adjunct Professor at Western Sydney University and the University of Technology Sydney. She is a former diplomat, a member of the Order of Australia (AM) and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of International Affairs.
Michael Gilligan: worked for 20 years in defence policy and evaluating military proposals for development, including time in the Pentagon on military balances in Asia.
Michael Keating: AC is a former Secretary of the Departments of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Finance and Employment, and Industrial Relations. He is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University
John Menadue: AO is former head of the Departments of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, and Trade, former CEO of Qantas, former director of Telstra and Australian Ambassador to Japan.
For a period, I will be Chair of the new company and Editor in Chief.
All assets are being transferred from Pearls and Irritations P/L , which Susie and I own, to Pearls and Irritations Journal Limited.
The members of Pearls and Irritations Journal Limited have approved the following Editorial Charter:
Pearls and Irritations is an Australian policy journal for the exchange of ideas from a progressive, liberal perspective, with an emphasis on peace and justice.
We publish informed ,evidence based analysis and commentary on issues that matter to Australians, with a focus on politics, public policy, social welfare, foreign policy, defence and security, the economy, media, the arts and religion.
We do not aim for ‘balance’ in our editorial position. We have a clear point of view on such issues as climate, racism, care for the vulnerable, war and relations in our region, particularly relations between the United States, China and Australia.
The powerful must be held to account. We endeavour to speak truth to power.
We respect the public’s right to know. This is particularly important with the failure of mainstream media which reflects the views of the powerful in Australia and legacy media in the United Kingdom and the United States.
We are concerned about Australia’s derivative and colonial mentality. We assert the importance of Australian sovereignty.
We will contest the ceaseless foreign propaganda and influence that Australians are subject to from governments, business and mainstream media, particularly in the United States.
The current US election vividly illustrates our problem. Critical relations with China and our region are a footnote to the saturation coverage of the US election. At Pearls and Irritations we are determined to counter the pretend Australians in politics, media, academia, bureaucracy and business whose world is framed by the US.
The Americanisation of Australia is proceeding with little hindrance. At Pearls and Irritations we are determined to expose and resist this dangerous and humiliating trend.
For more on this topic, P&I recommends:
Twenty thousand articles in Pearls and Irritations and counting