Pearls and Irritations in the Pearl River Delta

Mar 2, 2024
Hong Kong city view from peak at Sunrise.

Pearls and Irritations is widely read outside Australia. In particular, its content is now reviewed by certain media writing and presenting in Chinese in Hong Kong.

The latest example is a story written by Chen, Jingli, published in the leading Chinese newspaper (by circulation) in Hong Kong, the long-established Oriental Daily. The translated title of the story is: “Strong words make sense: the world is different”. This story refers to and is significantly informed by a recent P&I article, “Why the West sees China as a threat, written by Teow Loon Li.

Chen’s article begins (relying on Google-translate) as follows:

The Australian online media has a commentary titled “Why the West Sees China as a Threat“, which is worth mentioning. The article believes that the reason why China poses a threat to the West is that it has proved that a country that was poor and technologically backward in the past can now effectively defy Western dominance. The article sharply points out that the world is no longer the same, but the West thinks it still controls everything.

And it concludes by arguing that:

China’s successful experience shows that international rules and order do not require a controller, let alone the West. Every country has the right to follow its own path, do its own things, and decide its own destiny based on actual conditions, and no longer has to be controlled by the West. The most important thing is that China provides a complete industrial chain and a huge market, and will not issue orders to other countries or interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. Emerging countries can safely cooperate with China and get rid of the US’s control of their politics and economy. It is precisely because of this that the United States regards China as the biggest threat and must quickly eliminate it. But it is too late. Today’s China can no longer be contained by any country or camp.


The full article is available at the link above and can also be read in English below selecting English on the browser options


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