Intelligent and compassionate people can change the world, so let us get on with this.
As I draw much closer to becoming an octogenarian early next year, I have found myself finding it more and more difficult to feel hopeful for our world going into the future. I most likely will not be here to see this, but the despair that has been lying heavily upon us during 2024 doesn’t seem likely to shift as we progress into 2025. Our world leaders bring us no hope or confidence of this changing. Never-ending wars and brutalisation of other human beings continues unabated.
Those structures that were put in place to prevent this have been totally usurped by military political interests resulting in powerful billionaires who control our media and our governments with absolutely no regard for suffering humanity. It all remains unchanged and no judicial findings of the International Criminal Court or the United Nations seem to be able to bring this to an end.
This statement from the Dalai Lama XIV rings true:
‘Whether one is rich or poor, educated or illiterate, religious or non-believing, man or woman, black, white, or brown, we are all the same. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, we are all equal. We all share basic needs for food, shelter, safety, and love. We all aspire to happiness and we all shun suffering. Each of us has hopes, worries, fears, and dreams. Each of us wants the best for our family and loved ones. We all experience pain when we suffer loss and joy when we achieve what we seek. On this fundamental level, religion, ethnicity, culture, and language make no difference.’
Yet, today such sentiments seem to hold no sway with the powerful in our world.
I believe that, like myself, most informed and compassionate Australians despair at where we are going as a nation. Our current government continues to fail all who hold higher principles as it marches dangerously to the war drums of US policies, ever willing to fall into line. An alternative Coalition government offers us no alternatives and, in fact, that could be far worse.
This year we are facing a federal election and our sense of despair is growing, so at the risk of daring to mention such a term, I am asking the question – can we find humanity’s voice? A voice that calls to those values that we all know are essential for human existence. A voice that expands beyond any formal organised structure, beyond egoic control or self-interest, beyond any political party, to become an organic coming together of minds and hearts in this country.
These might be small groups within our communities who might find inspiration, creative ways forward, that encourage independent intention and action for change in how our country is governed. With small groups forming, we can begin to sow the seeds that can scatter in the wind to become a large productive field of energy for change…”from little things, big things grow”.
It is time for us to wake up and reclaim our power through networking, decentralised action that can till the soil of thought to allow a new spirit to lead us as a nation. It is time that people raised their voices to be heard and to attract ethical political leadership.
It is time for us as Australians to call our political leaders to listen to what we, the people, who value true ideals supportive of a peaceful world, equality and equity, justice, compassionate and life-sustaining principles for both us humans and our natural world, want. They need to hear our heart’s pleading.
Within our local communities we can open a space to re-enforce those values that already are life-sustaining. No individual necessarily has the answer, but collectively we can be open to what this land, and those people who seek better outcomes, can discover if we come together in a spirit of unity.
It could be our great awakening as a nation and it is very much the work of us, the people of this great land.
Intelligent and compassionate people can change the world, so let us get on with this. Perhaps share your desire for change locally — beyond political affiliation, cultural identity, religious identity, class structures — let us come together and explore ideas for change.
Let us attract to our next federal election those who might be seeking what we are – a peaceful, compassionate and sustainable world. Should you wish to discuss how we might create “humanity’s voice”, you could contact me via our charity’s website.