Stopping the boats but not cruise ships.

Mar 31, 2020

Imagine stopping the boats the centrepiece of your entire political platform for 10 years, and then failing to stop the one boat that actually fucking mattered.

The above comment is from ‘matthewdavidjohnson’ in his blog.

From John Menadue

Following in the footsteps of  Immigration Ministers Morrison and Dutton, Mike Pezzullo ordered the Australian Border Force at its inauguration to ‘man the ramparts’ to protect our borders.

The ABF in their black uniforms allowed 2700  passengers from the Ruby Princess to disembark in Sydney on March 19 without check. Many of them spread the Corona Virus around Australia. The ABF then proceeded to blame others for its failure.

Almost a third of Australian deaths due to the Corona virus are linked to cruise ships.

The Coalition did not stop the boats and now is showing that it is not able to stop cruise ships either.

What a sorry story of political hypocrisy and incompetence.

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