Tamed Estate: Albanese follows Morrison’s lead

Oct 4, 2020

This week we see that Albanese is following in Morrison’s footsteps, with Morrison following the same path as usual. Meanwhile, Frydenberg is refining his dark arts, with Thursday night’s drops receiving no critical coverage. We also have a brief look at abortive biased coverage on behalf of the Courier Mail.

Tamed Estate

Pre-budget measures to be rolled back ‘when’ unemployment goes back to normal.

Last night the AFR, ran with another drop. That all the emergency COVID stimulus measures would be rolled back ‘when unemployment rate falls to pre-COVID-19 levels.’

The SMH ran similarly, citing Frydenberg’s budget intentions surrounding employment levels.

Frydenberg Cutting the Red Tape

Thursday night’s announcement that Frydenberg would be announcing a suite of tax cuts for businesses, alongside extending “some” tax concessions for small businesses.

Heralded as saving Aussie small businesses, AFR, The Australian, The Guardian, Frydenberg has learnt from his heavy-handed ripping apart of responsible leaning laws last week which drew heavy criticism the following morning.

Scott Morrison’s Digital Business Plan

Morrison’s $800 million digital push on the 29th of September was announced, again the night before by the AFR, The Australian, The Guardian and The Conversation.

Albanese’s Pre-Budget Speech

Media manipulation had a new flavour this week will Albanese’s pre-budget speech was given throughout the press the night before. The Australian, SMH and The Guardian reported it straight with Phillip Coorey having a bit of fun with Albanese’s decrying of Morrison’s media manipulation:

“They will have to explain what comes next. Beyond the carefully curated previews and leaks, beyond the drip-feed of Government drops to sympathetic journalists,” Mr Albanese will say in the speech given in advance to journalists on an embargoed basis.” He wrote.

Courier Mail: failed bias

Kevin Rudd, ever a good source for Media Manipulation watchers, points out that the Federal Auditor-General’s report on Morrison’s $102m sports rorts scandal was contained to one minor article buried on page 10.

Contrast this to the front page screamer on a $15 million Qld Labor government rort program, demanding the minister be sacked.

The Courier Mail went on to delete the Queensland government sports rorts article.

If you see any examples of media failure or manipulation, be it drops, uncritical coverage or non-coverage of important issues within our region please comment below or email them to tamedestate@staging-johnmenadue.kinsta.cloud so that we cover them in next week’s edition.

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