Taxes: Our civilization deficit – Weekly Roundup

Nov 4, 2023
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How robust is our democracy?

A look at deficits in democracy and our common wealth; Why we’re working too hard; What women find in Australia; Gramsci and the right; The politics of Ben Ean Moselle, and the case for higher taxes. Read on for the weekly roundup of links to articles, podcasts, reports and other media on current economic and political issues.

A health check on Australian democracy

Barry Jones and John Hewson warn about the fragility of democracy in Australia. More Australians are dissatisfied with democracy.

Other politics

What would Andrew Olle say about our political discourse if he were alive today? The right’s war against science. Australian political prisoners overseas, asylum-seekers imprisoned in Nauru. Why women prefer Australia to Afghanistan but would find Denmark even better.

Taxes: our civilization deficit

A gathering of Australia’s leading authorities on public revenue put the economic case for higher taxes. A guide for how to do tax reform. Global tax evasion is still flourishing.

Other economics

Why is the media encouraging the RBA to lift interest rates when inflation is on the way down? The IMF and the OECD issue report cards on Australia – doing OK but we should put in a bit more effort. The Productivity Commission tells us that if our economy were stronger we wouldn’t have to work so hard. Why are Australians going hungry?

Public ideas

How the right has taken on Gramsci while the left has ignored him. How capitalism has still not displaced feudalism in small business

Social change in Australia

Martyn Goddard on ten-pound poms, Ben Ean Moselle, Pauline Hanson and kookaburras.

Links to sources of webinars, podcasts and readings

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