Defence and Security, International relations, Politics
The 10 rules of the rules based International order (RBIO)
Aug 27, 2023
Breaking news: Pentagon releases the ten rules of the Rules Based International Order (RBIO) as seen by the United States of America.
The rules based-order
- The USA rules the world.
- The USA makes all rules including these rules.
- No one can know what the rules are, only that they exist.
- No one is allowed to ask what the rules are.
- The USA will be in charge of the flexibility provided by the rules’ non-existent nature.
- Non-western countries must be regularly castigated for not following the rules.
- Western countries must be regularly praised for following the rules.
- Alternative rules of governance which work successfully (cf. China, Singapore) must always be derided as “authoritarianism”.
- Unfair global dominance by the 13% western minority (cf. totalitarianism) must always be referred to as “democracy”.
- These rules over-ride all other rules, including fundamental justice and the laws of nature.
Thank you and goodnight.
With love,
The Pentagon
First published at @NuryVittachi