The U.S. and Israel are the alpha and omega of tyranny and destabilisation throughout much of the Middle East – arguably, the world. Who will stop them?
We’ve all been hoodwinked. We thought the U.S. government stood for democracy, international human rights and justice. We thought they were the good guys as they held themselves aloft to be “exceptional and God fearing”. But we’ve been fooled all along. They don’t stand for anything even remotely like such descriptions. They are pernicious and dangerous as they watch people who are of no concern to them in Gaza, die in their thousands without lifting a finger to stop the carnage. In fact, they are funding the ethnic cleansing. How wicked is that. And now they have turned their megalomaniacal hegemonic eye on Lebanon as they aid and abet their murderous war buddy, Israel, to take out what is left of a country that was already crippled with economic woes.
It was reported that Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire agreement prior to Netanyahu giving the go ahead to the onslaught of yet more innocent civilians as Israel invaded Lebanon. Israel killed hundreds in order to get one man – Nasrallah. It’s curious they couldn’t seem to find the live hostages in Gaza even though the IDF troupes had scoured every corner, decimated every inch, ferreted through tunnels and trudged around ghostly figures of Palestinians searching for food and water. No hostages to be found, apparently. Yet when they want to find one man in Lebanon, they find him lickety-split. Curious.
Imagine this headline: ‘Lebanon issues evacuation orders for parts of Israel on Saturday night.’ The outrage that would pour forth would clog mainstream media. The vilification of Lebanon, planning on invading another country, would never recover from such an aggression contrary to international law. But with Israel it’s fine. Such headlines of late that Israel ordered the citizens of another country to get out of the way so that they can bomb the hell out of them should shock the hell out of us. But as usual, voices of dissent or reason are swatted away like annoying flies until the bs that is U.S. and Israeli propaganda dries in the sun and no longer stinks. They rely on everyone having short memories.
Terrorist labels and international law are so named and called upon by…you guessed it…the playground bully, the biggest thug in the world – the U.S. government. And when those international laws don’t suit the bully they are simply ignored; a trifling inconvenience to U.S. hegemony. If biased mainstream media want to parrot the label of “terrorist”, they could easily make a true list – there’s plenty of grey-haired men to choose from.
What on earth can we do to stop the violent freight train roaring down the tracks with murder on its mind? A lone voice, a protest, a placard wielding individual can do so little against the monstrous machine that is the government of the United States of America and their thug buddy, Israel. The U.S. administration claim they are powerless against Netanyahu. Here’s an idea…stop supplying him the weapons he needs to kill everyone. Both countries claim to be democracies and they both hold a God tightly in their hearts. Israel even claims to have “the most moral army in the world” without even the slightest embarrassment at such a lie. The hypocrisy and shame are on a scale we have not witnessed this century. Even God must be turning away in shame at his disciples.
I truly wonder that if the average American understood what nefarious activities their government is up to, would millions more demonstrate on the streets for the ethnic cleansing to stop? Do they even know what their own MIC (Military-Industrial Complex) is? Are they cognisant of what horrors their taxes are paying for? The MIC machine needs feeding and it appears it’s only replete when consuming innocent human beings by the thousands. They usually aren’t Americans who get killed by the machine, so who cares? Right? The MIC makes weapons, regurgitates them onto Israel who thank their war buddies, America, and proceed to spit out their victims.
It’s a tag team of horror.
Those who profit from the MIC will eventually need to use their gains for the therapy of the next generations. How will those who financially benefit explain that it was in exchange for children being blown to pieces in Gaza and Lebanon.
Sadly, even though Kamala Harris may win the upcoming election it will change absolutely nothing of the U.S. governments rapacious foreign policy to dominate, over run, regime change and destroy any country/state/region they see fit to crush. It’s too depressing to think that history has taught humankind so little. The U.S. and Israeli governments do not possess a rear-view mirror and their violence seems to know no limits for the future.
The U.S. have had their eye on finding an excuse to decimate Iran; a country which the U.S. government has been trying to destabilise since the 1979 Iranian revolution. How dare they elect their own leader! A re-ordering of the Middle East and its leaders has long been on the wish list of successive U.S. administrations. The U.S. has invaded or attacked (give or take) over 50 countries and been involved in (or provoked) well over 100 military conflicts since WWll. Israel is busy invading Lebanon after it has attempted to decimate Palestine. Would the U.S. be even slightly interested in Iran if they didn’t have oil? Would the U.S. be even slightly interested in supporting Israel if oil wasn’t a spit away and the return of Christ is believed to be Israel?
Future U.S. Administrations will have to explain to up-coming politicians, the following: ‘We are a war machine and nothing will get in our way. Keep your bleeding hearts and leftist ideals because we couldn’t care less about people in other countries – barely even our own, actually. America’s elite are first, last and in between. Move out of our way or come along for the ride. Welcome to the U.S. government.’
The U.S. and Israel are the alpha and omega of tyranny and destabilisation throughout much of the Middle East – arguably, the world. Who will stop them?