The banning of UNWRA: The situation could not be grimmer

Oct 30, 2024
Dheisheh Refugee Camp, West Bank. 30th Jan, 2024. Palestinian refugees boys stand at the entrance to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (UNWRA) school in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Bethlehem, West Bank, on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. Photo by Debbie Hill/ Credit: UPI/Alamy Live News

Let us be abundantly clear. What Israel is intending is against its obligations under international law. What Israel is intending is against its moral obligations as fellow citizens of the human race.

The United Nations Relief Agency UNWRA has been in operation since the early 1950’s and has hundreds perhaps thousands of employees. Palestinian refugees across the Middle East, but especially in Gaza have been totally reliant upon it for their welfare.

That in any organisation this large, there might be some who do not comply with the organisation’s charter is both possible and probable.  No different to any large organisation, charitable or commercial, anywhere in the world. However, Israel accuses the organisation of large-scale corruption and malpractice, even supporting terrorism. It has provided no evidence. You will remember Israel gaoled the previous head of World Vision in Gaza under accusations of corruption, and directing funds to Hamas, without providing a skerrick of evidence. Mohammed EL Halabi has subsequently been in an Israeli gaol since 2016. A thorough audit has shown the accusation was simply not plausible. He could have been released had he confessed to something he has not done. He has refused

Similarly, following an audit, the Australian government has satisfied itself that it is safe to continue channelling Australian charitable aid through its large-scale distribution network to the millions of Palestinians in need, believing the Israeli accusation to be false.

To imagine that another network, trusted by Palestinians, can suddenly emerge to distribute the level of aid required is worse than naïve. It takes years to develop both the infrastructure and trust required.

To imagine that Israel’s defence force will itself meet this need quickly, generously, and thoroughly is bizarre. Apart from anything else where would trust be found amongst Palestinians to believe and cooperate with the very people who have demolished schools, hospitals, distribution outlets, and blocked safe aid transition for over 12 months. It simply does not work to expect aid from the one who is the cause of your devastation.

Israel now has an almost impossible task in convincing the world it is not a pariah state. If this resolution of the Knesset is not rescinded, Israel must be immediately subject to isolation and boycott.

Messrs Dutton and Albanese you are now in full glare of the headlights. What is your response? Israel has the right to defend itself? This has absolutely nothing to do with defending itself. It has everything to do with an intention to remove by any means possible a whole race of people from their land. The very fact of passing a law with effect in Gaza and the West Bank indicates the mind of the Knesset that it already possesses sovereignty over these occupied lands. It does not have sovereignty. But this is clearly the intention. If it did have legitimate sovereignty, all Palestinians should have full rights as citizens. The West Bank and Gaza are clearly intended to become part of greater Israel – but without a Palestinian population.

So, Messrs Dutton and Albanese, not to mention Biden, Trump and Harris, what is this nonsense you keep sprouting about a two-state solution while doing absolutely nothing to stop what in the mind of Netanyahu is clearly a fait accompli, sovereignty of Israel from the river to the sea.

The situation could not be grimmer, or graver.

We hardly need to be reminded by Dr Martin Luther King or Archbishop Desmond Tutu that those of us who are not affronted by evil become part of it.

Please do all in your power to lift voices in condemnation of a decision, which, if left to stand, could have apocalyptic consequences for the people of Gaza and severe distress for the people of the West Bank.

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