Violet Coco is right: The climate hyperthreat demands emergency action

Dec 7, 2022
Cars submerged in flood water.

Australia has achieved international infamy through the decision to jail climate protestor, Violet Coco, for 15 months. Allow me to add evidence to support her stance that emergency action is demanded of us to avert the climate crisis.

A major raison d’être for a nation state structure, and its diaspora of intelligence and security agencies is to correctly interpret the threat environment and devise strategy for collective safety and security. However, despite the urgency of the climate and ecological crisis, nowhere in the world is any agency or institution engaged in developing concepts for a seismic and fast-tracked response – which matches the true scale of the problem.  But it gets worse. A concept for crisis response, PLAN E (the world’s first climate and eco-centred security), developed in Australia has been deliberately sidelined. This is despite the extraordinary public mandate for rapid climate action delivered through the May 2022 election. It is also despite new logic which reveals our current threat posture is incoherent. My exasperation with this situation, which calls into question the very nature of Australian democracy, led me to publish ‘Cancelled Woman’. The decision by ‘power’ to silence PLAN E, to hide from the public alternate security narratives or concepts for emergency response, reveals intentionality; a lack of ethics and rigor to honestly explore all options. PLAN E finds a pathway to relative safety. It dares to look the problem square in the eye and say we will take it on. Humanity can think big. We can be agile. We can do something different from the shameful turning of heads, as young folk plea for a future.

– E. G. Boulton, December 6, 2022


The Foreboding Hyperthreat Looms Large

First published by Counterpunch.

The hyperthreat is a combination of impending ecological carnage influenced in large measure by hidden behind-the-scenes human forces that drain the vigour and lifeblood of reasonable solutions.

A major exposé of the hyperthreat is the essence of a recently released book by E.G. Boulton, PhD: Cancelled Woman, Destination Safe Earth Publishing, 2022.

Dr. Boulton introduces the concept of hyperththreat by reflecting on how “people in the past responded when their worlds started to descend.” Now society once again is at a crucial crossroads like what brought on The Ballarat Reform League Charter of 1854 and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. Both documents “rejected unfairness and brutality and set a new ethical baseline for human society.”

The sinister nature that’s found within hyperthreat is at the core of the message in Cancelled Woman: “This is because a type of tyranny has arisen that operates behind the scenes. One of its tactics is to cancel people who challenge its authority, power, or worldview.”

Liz Boulton’s doctoral research led to the profound fact that “taken together, global warming and all array of ecological destruction and degradation constituted a new form of threat, for which she coined hyperthreat.” In time, hyperthreat has taken on new meaning beyond ecological collapse. Accordingly, it also refers to “hidden forces which enable and turbo-charge the hyperthreat.”

Indeed, Dr. Boulton herself has become a threat to the hyperthreat’s subtle mechanisms and hidden voices of control. Her curse was to boldly identify a hyper-response to hyperthreat, which she code-named PLAN E. Paradoxically, her research exposed her as a threat to the same hyperthreat that she revealed. Consequences have been daunting.

After all, PLAN E proclaims: The world’s militaries, intelligence agencies, foreign affairs strategies, and think tanks are unwittingly advancing the hyperthreat, which is an acceleration of climate and environmental change leading to Hothouse Earth, as detailed in Boulton’s publication: Plan E: A Grand Strategy for the Twenty-first Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats by Elizabeth G. Boulton, PhD, Journal of Advanced Military Studies, Vol. 13 No. 1 2022.

PLAN E was published in two parts in the Journal of Advanced Military Studies and by the US Marine Corps University Press, a professional university of the US Marine Corps located in Quantico, Virginia, which listed her thesis as: An Introduction to PLAN E.

Elizabeth G. Boulton, PhD, Australian National University and MA/Climate Policy, University of Melbourne is a former army major in the Australian Defence Force, having served in East Timor (1999) and Iraq (2004) and logistics work in Ghana, Nigeria, and Sudan. She was a lead research officer at army headquarters.

Over time, someone somewhere decided Boulton went too far. Thereafter, her tome has been the subject of cold shoulder treatment amongst sources and venues that usually post or publish such work.

As a result, Cancelled Woman has risen from the ashes of rejection into a book of challenging personal reflections and tense explosive poems. It is an important commentary on the shamelessness of the forces behind the scenes of the ominous hyperthreat. Cancelled Woman elaborates: “As the world hurtles along a trajectory towards WW3; dangerous climate; ecological collapse and other calamities, the hyperthreat has taken societies voice and its capacity to conduct effective sense-making just when we need it most.”

Accordingly, hyperthreat has infiltrated every megaphone in society inclusive of news outlets, social media, universities, think tanks, and publishing houses. The infiltration process focuses on “creation of confusion.” Such mindset ricochets by ending badly within the world: “We face a looming crisis, yet not only does ‘power’ or the ‘establishment’ not initiate crisis or contingency planning, but they also suppress alternative narratives, ideas, and concepts for crisis response.”

Therefore, “overcoming the hyperthreat requires a new way of being; a more ethical way of living across the board.” Part of this is the importance of people speaking up about issues or policies or threads of ideas that harm the greater good, calling-out the perpetrators.

Liz Boulton’s book was written to convey the ‘feeling’ of being in battle with the hyperthreat. This she has accomplished by revealing its “strange tactics; the subtle way voice is lost, truth buried, and democracy stolen.”

It’s an important book for people to read and keep for further reference to gain an understanding of the clandestine forces shaping society in objectional unwelcomed ways. Whether fully realised or not, we are living under the influence of the hyperthreat. It’s very important to know what to look for. Cancelled Woman helps to understand what’s at stake, and most importantly, that it’s really truly happening.

Indeed, within the confines of a remarkable transformation into feudalism redux, we, all of us, are subjects of the hyperthreat! Yes, subjects, believe it or not, it’s true. The hyperthreat is as real, and as threatening, as described in Cancelled Woman.

The truth is brandished for all to see: “Let me be clear about one specific message I wish to convey in this book: To Australians and global citizens, I feel it is my duty to inform you that a concept for an emergency or ‘hyper-response’ to the hyperthreat of climate and ecological crisis (called ‘PLAN E’), has been deliberately side-lined and suppressed by those entrusted to address such problems. Research is being censored.”

Finally, the strongest statement by Elizabeth Boulton: “In my view, ‘power’ is consciously abrogating their responsibilities to protect the public.”

Liz Boulton can take some comfort knowing that Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) was on the American Library Association (ALA) list of top 100 banned and challenged books. Subsequently the Modern Library ranked Brave New World #5 on its list of 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. She’s in good company.

Cancelled Woman website:

Postscript: Salutations: George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four (1949) Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (1953) Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We (1924)


You may also be interested in this article on Plan E by E.G Boulton previously published by Pearls and Irritations.

What happens if the climate and ecological crisis is framed as a national threat?

and Violet’s Story:

Last week, a NSW court jailed me for 15 months for a peaceful climate protest. Hear my story


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