The world at 90 seconds to midnight

Oct 28, 2024
A line of half buried antique clocks with a glass backing in a sandy desert landscape - 3D render

What further evidence do apes with apps, the inhabitants of planet Earth, need to have before the liveable climate, the lungs of the Earth, overheat and the mere failure of a computer chip or a brain neuron triggers the sixth mass extinction of species in the history of planet Earth?

At the death of détente the powers that be, aimed toward World War III, in evidence for their lack of concern for the consequences of nuclear winter and extreme climate change.

No painting other than Pablo Picasso’s Guernica symbolises oncoming fascism – the human death cult reaching a peak in World War 11, succeeded by the encroaching World War III, when nuclear fleets and climate extremes aiming at life on Earth emerge, as Governments and snake oil merchants spend $trillions radio activating the atmosphere. Reinventing the killing fields under false flags, multi-billionaires plan future space shots out of the mouths of the hungry, Goebbels-like agents with blood on their hands spread cynical myths of mass migration to Mars to the tune of canned laughter, women carry dead children while Olympic cyclists write themselves into history, and only the children, labelled as “terrorists”, rebel against the global insanity.

The clock of the atomic scientists.

 The Bikini hydrogen bomb.

Cycles of death, repeated almost every generation, follow breakups in the international order, women die alongside their men as in the Spanish Civil war, or are left to rebuild their shattered homes.

Over the past few decades the probability of a nuclear war has grown to some 12,121 hair-triggered weapons aimed at all life, that the criminal powers refuse to dismantle, propagating hollow Orwellian speak on the airwaves. But while it is common for the misguided to attribute atrocities to so called “leaders”, including in parliaments, it is the people that initially elected them under false pretences.

The consequences range from fatal imperial wars to global climate calamities. According to Jeffrey D. Sachs (July 16, 2024): “The quest for hegemony has pushed the world to open warfare between the world’s two leading nuclear powers”.

As conveyed by the Thucydides Trap the rise of empires constitutes a major driver of international conflict, from the Persian superpower to the Roman empire. In the modern era détente could hardly survive while submarine and space weapon systems proliferate and adversaries seek “victory” at the price of millions of lives in World wars. There is no evidence current promoters of the looming nuclear war can be brought to trial in a future round of Nuremberg trials.

Fascism, coined after the Roman fascia, tantamount to military barbarism, represents the hallmark of tribal killing through history (Figure 3). As contrasted with a small percent of peaceful nomadic tribes. The ratio of male deaths in modern wars is far less (Figure 3).

Image: Supplied

Figure 3. Percent of male warfare deaths in different human societies and times. The chart compares eight tribes in New Guinea and South America with fatalities in the the US and Europe in the 20th century. War Before Civilisation: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage. New York: Oxford University Press. referenced in Pinker, Steven (2002). The Blank Slate. New York: Penguin. page 74.

The ultimate control of a future global biosphere by AI-weapon systems can only subject civilisation and the living biosphere to an intelligence-free world. It is hard to conceive but this future will be more brutal than World wars I, II or the looming World War III.

But blame cannot be exclusively attributed to “leaders”, so-called, who once elected into positions of “power” need to conform to those in control of industry and society. Opinion makers manufacture consent. The mega-rich, tycoons, corporate directors, share holders and managers of the “fourth estate” paint black as white, propagating major untruths. For example, as if carbon exports can be distinguished from domestic greenhouse emissions in terms of their effects on the atmosphere.

While responsibility belongs to all of humanity, it is the relatively affluent “first world” governments which generate the oncoming collapse:


I met a traveler from an antique land Who said:

“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the

desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a

shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled

lip and sneer of cold command, Tell that its

sculptor well those passions read, Which yet

survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand

that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on

the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is

Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works,

ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains.

Round the decay Of that colossal wreck,

boundless and bare The lone and level sands

stretch far away.”


Ozymandias,” by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1817)

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