There is something deeply troubling about a democracy when its police are able to get away with acting with complete disregard for the rule of law by adopting an ends justifies the means approach.
Yet this is exactly what has happened in Victoria over the past few days with the decision by the state’s DPP Kerrie Judd to refuse to prosecute cases referred to her by the eminent former High Court judge and special investigator into the Lawyer X scandal, Geoffrey Nettle.
To quickly recap. Lawyer X, Nicola Gobbo, became a police informer during the early part of this century as Victoria Police sought to control the so called gangland wars. A Royal Commission into the matter headed by former Queensland judge Margaret McMurdo reported in 2020 and its main finding was staggering. “After a rigorous analysis of the evidence, including all relevant submissions, the Commission has concluded that the convictions or findings of guilt of 1,011 people may have been affected by Victoria Police’s use of Ms Gobbo as a human source,” the Commission found. It recommended the appointment of a special investigator to look at possible criminal charges against police and Gobbo. That was the role Mr Nettle held until his office was disbanded this week.
Yet it appears there will be no reckoning for any of those police involved even though the lynchpin of the exercise, Ms Gobbo has said she would plead guilty to charges. Mr Nettle has been scathing in his criticism of the refusal of Victoria’s DPP Kerrie Judd to refuse to prosecute cases he has sent to her since he started work on 2021. The result, his office is being disbanded.
It is hard to think of a more outrageous abuse of power and undermining of the rule of law by a police force across Australia in recent times, or certainly since the exposure of police misconduct in Queensland and New South Wales in the late 1980s and early 1990s. As one lawyer Ruth Parker, who acted for a victim of the Lawyer X scandal and who has now been freed from prison after his conviction was quashed, has put it, “the corruption that occurred in our criminal justice system involving at least one criminal lawyer and a number of police (which) is, as far as I know, unprecedented in the Western world.”
Disturbingly some seem to think the Lawyer X scandal is no big deal. John Silvester, a veteran Nine Newspaper journalist who writes about police wrote an extraordinary column last Saturday in The Age in which he said; “The Royal Commission final report ran to 1000 pages. We prefer to sum it up in 60 words:
There was an underworld war in Victoria. Then there was a taskforce called Purana.
The cops used informers. One was a defence lawyer called Gobbo.
She snitched on crooks. She wasn’t the only one.
The crooks got charged. Most pleaded guilty and went to jail.
No false evidence was presented to any jury.
The underworld war stopped.”
Er, the end.”
So in other words, who cares that the rule of law was undermined by Victoria Police officers, because the gangland war stopped.
Then there is the Premier Daniel Andrews. Andrews was rightly chided on Wednesday by Geoffrey Watson SC, who speaks regularly on transparency issues and who said that there would be no accountability for the actions of Victoria Police officer under the Andrews government, “not under this DPP and not while ever the most powerful trade union in Victoria is the Police Association.”
In response Andrews made the extraordinary claim about Nettle that “Investigators don’t make good prosecutors. There needs to be a separation. If you have investigated the matter, you are altogether too close to it to be making decisions about whether a conviction is likely.” This statement is absurd and plain wrong. Firstly Nettle is a lawyer of eminent standing who understands what it takes in terms of evidence to determine if a conviction is possible. Secondly, there are equally eminent minds like Watson, former Victorian judge Stephen Charles KC and top criminal barrister Philip Dunn KC and former senior prosecutor Gavin Silbert KC who disagree with Judd’s decision.
Note Andrews’ refusal to criticise Victoria Police. He could have said while his government respects the DPP’s decision the conduct of Victoria Police was appalling and reflected a deeply disturbing mindset on its part in a democracy.
Confidence in the rule of law, in ensuring police act within the law, and that serious wrongdoing by public officials, including police, will be uncovered and punished, is essential in a democracy. There will be serving police and retired police in that state breathing a sigh of relief no doubt, but the loser is the rule of law in Victoria.