
Louise Edwards
Louise Edwards is Emeritus Professor at UNSW’s School of Humanities and Languages and Honorary Professor at HKU and UTS: ACRI. She is an elected Fellow of 3 learned academies: the Academy of Humanities in Australia, the Australian Academy of Social Sciences, and the Hong Kong Academy of Humanities. Her most recent sole-authored books include Citizens of Beauty: Drawing Democratic Dreams in Republican China (Seattle: Washington University Press 2020), Women Warriors and Wartime Spies of China (Cambridge University Press 2016) and Women, Politics and Democracy: Women’s Suffrage in China (Stanford University Press 2008)
Chinese universities want more Australian students: we should send them
Australia is trailing its neighbours in the race to acquire China knowledge and capability, which can only come from in-country experience, writes Louise Edwards. Continue reading »
Xenophobia and threats to Australia’s knowledge of China
The failure of the latest round of government-funded research grants to include any topics related to China weakens Australia’s capacity to understand and manage relations with the region’s biggest power, writes Louise Edwards. Continue reading »
We need a deeper understanding of Chinese politics
We need a better understanding of the complexities of Chinese politics – treating it like a ‘Black Box’ will leave us poorly equipped for a world where China is the other superpower, writes Louise Edwards. Continue reading »
Shouting from the political podium seldom makes for good diplomacy. Respectful language is critical.
Australian domestic political discourse is infected with “distract-ables” and announce-ables”. It is riddled with confected indignation, posed victimhood, and dog-whistling duplicity. Sometimes these strategies undermine a political competitor by consolidating tenuous narratives or creating insidious innuendo. Yet others are presented with great fanfare to hide a looming scandal. Continue reading »
Five Eyes, one tongue and hard of hearing – Australia and Asia in China’s Century
Chinese diaspora are the ones facing the foreign policy abuse at the moment—but don’t worry, racism is an equal opportunity affair—once your country falls from favour—they’ll be targeting your mob next. ANU – China in the World Annual Lecture 2020 Continue reading »