
Matthew Fisher
Matthew Fisher is an artist, author and public health researcher. He works as a Senior Research Fellow with Stretton Health Equity at the University of Adelaide. Matt's new book, 'How to Create Societies for Human Wellbeing: Through Public Policy and Social Change' is available now through Policy Press. Matt’s website: https://www.matthewfisherwellbeing.com/
How well is Australia doing on wellbeing?
The Australian Government has established ‘Measuring What Matters’, Australia’s first national wellbeing framework. It follows similar frameworks in SA, Victoria and the ACT, and one under development in NSW. Will these frameworks help to improve psychological wellbeing in Australia? Continue reading »
Overcoming individualisation is fundamental to social change
Individualisation positions the idea of the autonomous, self-contained individual at the centre of political, ethical and psychological frameworks, and determines much of our current politics. Continue reading »