
Neil OKeefe
Neil O'Keefe is the former MHR for Burke (1984 -2001). Factionally, a Victorian independent mentored by John Button and Michael Duffy, he admired Barry Jones and backed his economic model to the hilt. In 1986 Neil created and drove the "Australian Made" campaign, later becoming a forceful public advocate of compulsory superannuation which he believes was the great "game changer" after the devaluation in 1983.
Is the USA a Banana Republic?
In June 1986, as the newly elected MHR for Burke I had the great privilege of standing beside Paul Keating on that fateful morning he declared that Australia “could become a banana republic” if we did not squarely face up to our economic problems. Continue reading »
RBA lunacy rolls on
Increasing interest rates hasn’t quite done the job; now we are told we need to increase unemployment to curtail inflation! Roll on the lunacy of conventional central banking and treasury inflation policy. Can some lessons never be learned? Continue reading »
$368 billion on submarines: not a chance in hell!
This week the Federal ALP Government announced a significant cutback in the number of tanks to be stationed in the north to repel whatever is expected to land there to take our beautiful country away from us. Why – because tanks just won’t do the job in future. Continue reading »
Real reasons for submarine bid fiasco must come to the surface
The nuclear sleight-of-hand, the budgeted billions and the diplomatic debacle warrant deep examination — it’s time to bring it all out in to the open. Continue reading »
Rupert Murdoch’s snail-like journey on climate change
The situation is so bad that even Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp empire has read the commercial tea leaves on climate change and rolled over. Not surprisingly Scott Morrison now also shows signs of a belated change of heart. Continue reading »