Hong Kong
Letter from Hong Kong
As I experience my 51st Chinese New Year here in Hong Kong, with the arrival of the year of the Snake, it seems appropriate to write a few words about this remarkable city. Continue reading »
Hong Kong, a unique bridge between East and West
The “one country, two systems” framework is not a hindrance, but rather, a strategic advantage that allows Hong Kong to serve as a bridge between East and West for global professionals, writes Virginia Lee. Continue reading »
Court of final appeal: Overseas judges must prioritise service over politics
The rule of law has always been fundamental to the success story that is modern Hong Kong, and its custodian is the judiciary. Continue reading »
A vibrant media landscape will ease fears over Hong Kong’s Article 23 law
People in Hong Kong, particularly the media, should still be allowed to voice diverse opinions and criticism without fear of retribution – as long as it is fair and fact-based. This will help mitigate the concern of people considering a move to the city and show ‘one country, two systems’ is still alive and well. Continue reading »
Human rights protections underpin safeguarding national security ordinance
Grenville Cross says new legislation incorporates guarantees lacking in other common-law jurisdictions’ similar laws. Continue reading »
Hong Kong is losing competitiveness to cities on the mainland
The danger Hong Kong faces is not that it might become ‘just another mainland city’, but that it is already subpar to many of its urban cousins across the border. Continue reading »