Andrew Glikson
Andrew Glikson, Earth and paleoclimate scientist.
The world at 90 seconds to midnight
What further evidence do apes with apps, the inhabitants of planet Earth, need to have before the liveable climate, the lungs of the Earth, overheat and the mere failure of a computer chip or a brain neuron triggers the sixth mass extinction of species in the history of planet Earth? Continue reading »
The predicament of climate scientists on the road to a supertropical earth
As temperatures in large parts of the Earth are soaring (cf. 52.3oC in Delhi), flames engulf large regions in California, tornadoes ravage the Gulf of Mexico states, severe drought starve populations in southern Africa and climate extremes continue to take over large parts of the Earth. Continue reading »
Tracking toward a greenhouse atmosphere and acid oceans
Where “Two plus two equals five if the party says so” (George Orwell) and when drilling methane wells reduces global warming. Continue reading »
The Orwellian rules-based climate
“History is a nightmare from which I am trying to wake” James Joyce Continue reading »
Portents of a nuclear war on a burning planet
The 24 hours media news cycle clouds the minds of people, perpetrators and hapless victims alike, to the future dimension, whether that of future generations or of the natural world itself. Continue reading »
Too late? Climate change denial and the rise of fascism
“… but they can be sure that they won’t be recorded for their crimes in history — because there won’t be any history” (Noam Chomsky, 2023, in a letter to the author) Continue reading »
Planet killer: world’s largest asteroid impact crater discovered in Deniliquin, Australia
Evidence for a 520 km diameter impact crater, 3 times larger than the Chicxulub crater left from the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, has been discovered in Deniliquin, Australia. Continue reading »
Crossing +1.5oC: Toward an uninhabitable Earth
“… but they can be sure that they won’t be recorded for their crimes in history — because there won’t be any history” (Noam Chomsky, 2023) Continue reading »
Climate change terror: Dubai’s COP-out denial conference
The issue, betrayed, is nothing more and nothing less than the future of a multitude of species on Earth, including Homo sapiens. Continue reading »
A climate of insanity
Inherent in the nature of insanity is the fact that those inflicted by it are unaware of their mental state. Continue reading »
Act, or die: the climate and nuclear juggernaut
“When elephants fight the grass dies” – African proverb. At 90 seconds to a midnight and a few decades to +4oC will ’sapiens’ end up on the beach? Continue reading »
Betrayal: The threat to life on Earth
It has been overlooked during Garma festival that, under current policies, global warming would render aboriginal lands in central and northern Australia unliveable and the top-end a nuclear target… Continue reading »
Planetary Inferno
The fast rise in global warming manifested by current extreme weather events betray a dangerous underestimation of the Earth’s liveable climate, while governments ignore climate science, claim to set limits on domestic emissions but allow major export of fossil fuels and emissions worldwide on a scale threatening life on Earth. Continue reading »
A climate of betrayal
“All grimly true, but they can be sure that they won’t be recorded for their crimes in history – because there won’t be any history” (Noam Chomsky) Continue reading »
Nuremberg trials for imperiling mass extinction of species
While “leaders” fail to protect the people from global warming and nuclear war, they have succeeded splendidly in hiding the truth through the denial of climate change, accounting tricks and claims of reduction in domestic emissions, while in fact opening new coal mines, oil wells and fracked coal seams, exporting hydrocarbons through the entire global atmosphere. Continue reading »
The present risks to life on earth
“The splitting of the atom has changed everything, bar man’s way of thinking, and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophes” – Albert Einstein Continue reading »
Insanity: governments betray what climate science demands
No one knows what was on the mind of Labour leaders discussing emission limits while approving near one hundred new coal mines and gas wells, thus betraying future generations and eroding the life support systems of the planet. Continue reading »
The global climate change suicide pact
There was a time when leaders fell on their sword when they were defeated in battle or lost their core beliefs, nowadays most do not even resign their privileged positions to resist the existential danger posed to advanced life, including human civilisation. It is long past time to declare a global climate and nuclear emergency. Continue reading »
The short lifespan of technological civilisations and the future of Homo sapiens
In his book ‘Collapse’ (2011) Jared Diamond portrays the fate of societies which Choose to Fail or Succeed. On a larger scale the Fermi’s paradox suggests that advanced technological civilisations may constitute ephemeral entities in the galaxy, destined to collapse over short periods. Continue reading »
Radioactive portents on a burning earth
According to Fermi’s Paradox, the failure to date to achieve radio communications between Earth and extraterrestrial civilisations can be attributed to the short-term self-destruction of technological civilisation by means of contamination of air, water and land by lethal substances, and the creation of deadly weapons. In the 20-21st centuries this includes saturation of the atmosphere Continue reading »
The threat of nuclear winter hangs over our warming planet
Even a limited nuclear war would inject enough smoke and dust into the atmosphere to threaten the survival of our species. Continue reading »
Climate of betrayal: fossil fuel subsidies cost $5.9 trillion in 2020
Despite promises of tackling climate change, governments around the world are still allowing new oil, gas and coal mines. Continue reading »
The climate change runaway chain reaction process
Amplifying feedbacks are leading to runaway global warming. Continue reading »
‘Gas-led recovery’: methane and the risk of mass extinction
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum” – Noam Chomsky (1998). Continue reading »
The unreality of the pledge for “zero emissions by 2050”
Orwellian Doublespeak is a language which deliberately distorts the meaning of words, using contradictory weasel words allowing an assault on reality. In the present, in order to pacify public opinion, authorities are pledging “zero emissions by 2050” (or some other date), an empty promise undermined by current investments in mining hydrocarbons, by large scale export Continue reading »
ALP climate policy: from the “great moral challenge” to conservative-lite
Deputy ALP leader Richard Marles, seem to studiously avoid any mention of the need for massive action order to avoid a rise towards +4 degree climate warming despite promoting science. Continue reading »
Snow storms in North America and Europe: real-time consequences of climate change
Snow storms in North America and Europe may give the impression that “global cooling” is taking place. Nothing is further from the truth. The cooling is a consequence of the weakening of the Arctic jet stream boundary, allowing freezing air masses to flow out of the Arctic circle. Continue reading »
A “gas-led recovery” leads to dangerous atmospheric methane
A US study showed that children born within a mile or two of a gas well were likely to be smaller and less healthy. High levels of methane reduce the amount of oxygen breathed from the air, with health consequences. And still the Coalition pushes its fracking plans for the nation. Continue reading »
The myth of “zero net emissions by 2050”
It should raise people’s hopes to believe “zero net emissions by 2050” will arrest or at least slow down global warming, had it not been yet another cruel hoax perpetrated in the wake of more than 50 years of obfuscation and denial of environment and climate science. Continue reading »
Crossing irreversible climate tipping points
If the history of the 21st to 25th centuries is ever written, it will record that while dangerous a climate tipping point was crossed, the powers that be in Australia opened some of the world’s largest coal basins and undertook an Orwellian-titled “gas led recovery”. Continue reading »