
Thorwald Lorenzen
Thorwald Lorenzen was the Senior Minister of the Canberra Baptist Church. Before that he was Professor of Systematic Theology and Social Ethics at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Zurich, Switzerland. He chaired the Human Rights Commission of the Baptist World Alliance, was the Baptist representative at the United Nations in Geneva and participated in several ecumenical dialogues. At present he is Adjunct Professor at the School of Theology, Charles Sturt University. His most recent book is <em>Yes! A Christian Vision of Life</em> (2021).
NSW, ACT Baptists in vote to prevent celebrations of love between LGBTQIA+ people
The NSW and ACT branches of the Baptist church have narrowly passed a resolution which prevents Baptist Christians who want to show hospitality to gay and lesbian people, and allow them, what we claim for ourselves, to celebrate their love for each other in a lifelong faithful union. Continue reading »
Joy and a troubled conscience at the Qatar World Cup
I will be watching some games – but I will do so with a bad conscience! Continue reading »
Peace needs to be waged!
Thank you, Bob Carr, for reminding us of the difference between a diplomacy of peace and a diplomacy of war (P&I, Aug 6, 2022). Continue reading »
A ‘democratic’ church’s misstep on marriage equality
The move by Baptists in NSW/ACT to disassociate churches and pastors who welcome married gay people is based on a misuse of scripture. Continue reading »