Australian Civil Society submits statement on Gaza genocide to the International Court of Justice

Feb 28, 2024
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) - Reading of the Order of the Court on the request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa

As a signatory to the Genocide Convention, Australia is obliged to prevent any action that further risks the survival of the Palestinian people and failure to do so risks complicity in genocide. In the absence of a response from the Australian government to the ICJ ruling, at least 100 groups representing civil society are observing with concern Australia’s failure to act to prevent genocide in Gaza, and have made the following submission to the International Court of Justice.

International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
Carnegie Plein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands
27 February 2024

To whom it may concern,

On 26 January the ICJ identified in its interim response to South Africa’s submission, that genocide in Gaza is plausible.

As a signatory to the Genocide Convention, Australia is obliged to prevent any action that further risks the survival of the Palestinian people and failure to do so risks complicity in genocide.

In the absence of a response from the Australian government to the ICJ ruling, at least 100 groups representing civil society are observing with concern Australia’s failure to act to prevent genocide in Gaza.

These civil society groups include Australian Arab and Australian Jewish citizens.

They are concerned that by its inaction, the Australian government does not reflect their concerns. The organisations are named in the attached list.

With respect, we draw this evidence of civil society opinion in Australia to the International Court of Justice.

Margaret Reynolds AC,
former Senator,
President of Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom Australia

Dr Alison Broinowski AM
former diplomat
member of Australians for War Powers Reform

Mary Kostakidis
former SBS television presenter

Evidence of civil society opinion in Australia

Table of Contents
Independent Peaceful Australia Network Open Letter to Prime Minister Albanese on Gaza
The Australian Council for International Development Open Letter
Letter to Albanese Government from Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom Australia
Articles Published in Pearls and Irritations – John Menadue Public Policy Journal


Independent Peaceful Australia Network Open Letter to Prime Minister Albanese on Gaza

Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

4 February 2024

Dear Prime Minister,

We, the undersigned, urge the Australian Government to reverse its decision to freeze funding to the UN aid agency for Palestinians, UNRWA. We are deeply concerned that Australia, America and others that have paused funding to UNRWA, based on unproven allegations from Israel, are contributing to Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza and in doing so, are most likely violating their obligations under the Genocide Convention.

Close to 26,000 Palestinians have been killed, thousands of them children, and more than 65,000 injured since October 2023. In a horrifying case of collective punishment, much of the population of Gaza is facing starvation and hospitals are non-functioning, deprived of fuel and medical equipment. Children and others are suffering through surgical operations in Gaza without anaesthesia. Hundreds of doctors, nurses and ambulance workers and more than 100 UN workers have been killed. More than 70 journalists have been killed while trying to show the world the reality of Israel’s attacks on Gaza. UN schools and shelters, despite being protected by international law, have been attacked.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) found on 26 January 2024 that South Africa presented a plausible case that Israel had intent to commit genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Furthermore, the court ruled that Israel is legally bound to “take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article 2 of the convention, in particular (a) killing members of the group [Palestinians], (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, (c) deliberating inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, and (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.”

This ruling in effect requires a ceasefire for Israel to comply with it. Likewise, it obligates all parties to the Genocide Convention, including Australia, to prevent and punish the crime of genocide. The Australian Government must call for a ceasefire by Israel and the urgent, unfettered provision of ongoing and sustainable amounts of humanitarian aid.

With the UNRWA being the only organisation currently distributing the limited aid that Israel permits into Gaza, its work is truly life-sustaining. UNRWA Chief Philipe Lazzarini has stated that Australia and its allies’ suspension of funds puts this vital agency at risk of collapse. As such, we urge Australia to reverse the cuts to UNRWA as a statement of commitment to the ICJ’s ruling, and the human rights and lives of Palestinians in Gaza.

Australia must also recognise Israel’s stated intent to continue to defy international law and persist with its atrocities in Gaza, its displacement of Palestinians from their homeland and its further occupation and colonisation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Australia must act collectively with governments across the globe to urgently and decisively pressure Israel to end its violence and commit to a political resolution.

To this end, we urge the Australian Government to:

  • Immediately reinstate Australia’s funding to UNRWA;
  • Officially express Australia’s support for the ICJ’s rulings;
  • Call for an immediate unconditional, permanent ceasefire and unfettered, ongoing and sustainable humanitarian aid to be provided to Gaza;
  • Expel the Israeli ambassador until a continuing ceasefire is in place;
  • End any military support for, or contracts with Israel, including:
    • Ending Australian supplies of military equipment to Israel, eg, provision of parts for Israel’s F-35 Joint Strike fighter plane;
    • Halt any intelligence going to the Israeli government from the Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap;
    • Expel Elbit Systems, an Israeli weapons and military equipment firm providing drones and white phosphorous to the Israeli armed forces, from Australia;
  • Implement cultural, sporting and economic sanctions on Israel until there is an end to the brutal Israeli apartheid system in the West Bank, Gaza and in Israel.

Australia must not be complicit in genocide being committed by Israel in Gaza and the West Bank.

Signed by:

Alice Springs Peace Action Think Tank (ASPATT)
Alliance Against Political Prosecutions Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church
Alpine Signs Melbourne4Assange
Animal Liberation Queensland Mobilise Against AUKUS and War
Antidote film Mparntwe for Palestine
Australia Palestine Advocacy Network Muslim Collective
Australian Anti-AUKUS Coalition New Life Christian Community Inc.
Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition No AUKUS Coalition Vic
Australian Community Futures Planning NSW Teachers Federation
Australian Friends of Palestine Association Nuclear Free WA
Australian Living Peace Museum Pace e Bene
Australian Network of Museums for Peace Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN)
Australians for Reconciliation and Truth Towards Syria (ArttS) Palestinian Community of Western Australia
Australians for War Powers Reform (AWPR) Pax Christi
Bass ALP branch Victoria Pax Christi Victoria
BDS Australia Peacifica
Blue Mountains Peace Collective PEN
Booval Maintenance Services People for Nuclear Disarmament
Borderlands Cooperative People Just Like Us
Byron Friends of Palestine Permaculture for Refugees
Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD) Quaker Peace and Legislation Committee
Canberra Conversation Quakers
Canberra Palestinian Community CPC Quemar Press
Catholics in Coalition for Justice and Peace Raising Peace
Central Coast Knitting Nannas Refugee Action Collective Illawarra
Christians for Peace Newcastle Regenesis Lawyers Pty Ltd
Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine Rite of Strings
Communist Party of Australia (Marxist/Leninist) Rural Australians for Refugees Queanbeyan
Creators of Peace/Initiatives for Change Search Foundation
Eastern Suburbs Cultural Association Inc. Sisters of Mercy Parramatta
Electrical Trades Union Qld/Nt Branch Sisters of St Joseph
Free Gaza Australia Sisters of St joseph of the Sacred Heart
Friends of Palestine Tasmania Inc Spirit of Eureka
Geelong Anti-AUKUS Group Spirit of Eureka (South Australia)
Geelong Islamic Community Centre Stop AUKUS WA;
Greens anti-AUKUS Campaign Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition
Hobsonsbay4palestine Sydney Peace & Justice Coalition
Hunter Asylum Seeker Advocacy Sydney Peace Foundation
Hunter Peace Group Sydney University Dept. Peace and Conflict Studies
ILPS Australia Territorians for Palestine
Independent and Peaceful Australia Network The Artizan Collection
Independent Peaceful Australia Network The Big Ride for Palestine
Inner North Action Group (INAG) The Fracking Redundants
Institute of non-violence The Resistance QLD Inc.
International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons The. Graham F Smith Peace Foundation
International Volunteers for Peace Top End Peace Alliance
Jews against the Occupation ’48 Trotskyist Platform
Jews for Refugees Truth Not War
Josephite Justice Network Union of Australian Women Brisbane
Justice and Peace Office Catholic Archdiocese Union of Australian Women Newcastle NSW Branch
Keough Consulting United Nations Association (Australia)
Knitting Nannas Wage Peace
Labor Against War West Papua Association
Loud Jew Collective Wingate Avenue Community Centre
Marrickville Peace Group Wollongong Against War and Nukes
Mary Mackillop Catholic College Women in Black (Hobart)


The Australian Council for International Development Open Letter

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister of Australia
Canberra, 2600
CC: Senator the Hon. Penny Wong
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Canberra, 2600

Dear Prime Minister Albanese and Minister Wong,

The undersigned Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) members write to you today to urge your public support for the decision made last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to implement urgent provisional measures to limit harm to Palestinian civilians. We also urge the Australian Government to actively ensure its adherence to international law and uphold its own obligations under the Genocide Convention and the Arms Trade Treaty.

The ICJ decision adds further weight to the ongoing global calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. It is imperative that Australia adds its voice to ensure that the state of Israel and Hamas immediately end the war in Gaza so that critical recovery and reconstruction efforts can begin.

Minister Wong has previously stated:

“The International Court of Justice plays a critical role in upholding international law and the rules-based order.”

It is important that the Australian Government meets this moment with this same tone, as well as respect for the experience, neutrality and expertise of the Justices, including an Australian, who have made this decision. The people of Gaza in particular are desperate to access immediate and unconditional humanitarian assistance which this cessation of hostilities can provide for. It is essential that a cessation of hostilities guarantees the unconditional release of all hostages.

In over 100 days of war, the world has witnessed the death of over an estimated 26,000 Palestinians in Gaza, over 65,000 injured, 1.7 million internally displaced and the collapse of healthcare, education and welfare systems. Many more thousands of people are missing under rubble. Our members and their partners working on the ground tell us that they are already significantly impeded in their efforts to reach those who are vulnerable, hungry and without shelter due to the ongoing bombardments of the civilian population of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

We welcome the $21.5 million of funding provided to Gaza, the West Bank and the region to date by the Australian Government. However, in addition, we ask the Australian Government to support the following measures:

  • New and additional funding of $100 million of humanitarian assistance to Gaza and the West Bank, including a portion to Australian NGOs who are operational in these settings.
  • Immediately end the transfer of any military goods to the state of Israel and provide transparency of the due diligence process for arms sales.
  • Use its voice to amplify global calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
  • Double the Humanitarian Emergency Fund to $300 million to accurately reflect the growing number and scale of disasters each year, in our immediate region and beyond.

The dire situation in Gaza will rapidly escalate without UNRWA’s critical support, with 2 million Palestinians facing starvation, imminent famine, and disease outbreak. UNRWA, one of the biggest employers in the Gaza strip with 13,000 staff, has terminated the contracts of several employees who were allegedly engaged in misconduct. One of the accused employees was confirmed dead and the other two are still under investigation. We urge you to be judicious and discriminate between allegations against a small number of individuals and the foreseeable impact of defunding UNRWA on millions of Palestinians reliant on their services, including children. Our concerns have been echoed by UN Human Rights Rapporteur, Ms Francesca Albanese, who stated that ‘defunding UNRWA based on those allegations is actually in contradiction to the ICJ ruling…’. As acknowledged by Minister Wong, UNRWA provides vital, lifesaving services in Gaza and if suspension of funding is not reversed immediately, we risk a complete cessation of already limited humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

We look forward to hearing back from you as to what actions the Australian Government intends to take to ensure that this ICJ decision is respected and upheld by all involved parties, and what steps Australia will take to ensure its own compliance with the Genocide Convention.

Your sincerely,

Susan Pascoe AM
President of The Australian Council for International Development

Co-signed by:
Action Aid Australia
Act for Peace
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Australia
Anglican Overseas Aid
Baptist World Aid
Caritas Australia
Good Return
Global Mission Partners
Oxfam Australia
Plan International Australia


Letter to Albanese Government from Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom Australia
Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
2 February 2024

Dear Prime Minister,

We are deeply disturbed by your government’s decision to suspend aid to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza after allegations about 12 of its 13,000 workers.

This decision amounts to “collective punishment” of already grossly deprived Palestinians and cannot be justified.

We are most concerned that the Australian Government continues to rate diplomatic friendship. ahead of its humanitarian obligations under the Genocide Convention.

The International Court of Justice has provided an interim ruling that the Government of Israel must act to prevent genocide with the court specifically identifying humanitarian support – “Enable and facilitate the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza” as one of the measures the Government of Israel must report back to the court by 27 February.

Yet the Australian Government soon after announced its suspension of aid to Gaza. It would appear your government is more concerned about its relationships with Israel, the United States and other so called “like minded “countries than our nation’s traditional humanitarian values.

We understand the pressures in international diplomacy, but Australia, like New Zealand, Ireland and Finland, must assert its independence and rely on our long-term commitment to international law.

Please urgently restore aid to UNRWA and act to influence our allies who also have obligations under the Genocide Convention. A suspension of military aid to Israel is recommended as a basic start to mediating an end to this war.

Yours sincerely,
Margaret Reynolds
WILPF Australia


Articles Published in Pearls and Irritations – John Menadue Public Policy Journal
The following articles are a collection of articles published by online journal Pearls and Irritations January 26th – February 22nd 2024.

Pearls and Irritations is an Australian platform for the exchange of ideas from a progressive, liberal perspective, with an emphasis on peace and justice.

John Menadue is the publisher, founder and Editor in Chief of Pearls and Irritations. He was formerly Secretary of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Ambassador to Japan, Secretary of Immigration and CEO of Qantas.

As Australia joins the US war on Yemen, Labor is a house divided

By Alison Broinowski
26 January 2024

Not since the DLP split in 1955 has Labor been so divided on foreign and defence policy. And always for the same reason.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Mearsheimer: China cements diplomatic role as Palestinian genocide isolates US, Israel

By Alex Lo
27 January 2024

John Mearsheimer, in an interview, also argues South Africa’s case of genocide against Israel before the ICJ will further isolate the Jewish state and the US, while Palestinians face the bleak prospect of apartheid or ethnic cleansing.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

ICJ stops short of ordering ceasefire in Gaza. Genocide will continue

By Joe Lauria
27 January 2024

The ICJ agreed to put Israel on trial for genocide and ruled that Israel’s military shall not commit acts forbidden by Article 2 of the Genocide Convention, but stopped short of ordering Israel to cease its military operation in Gaza.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Groups intensify global push for Gaza cease-fire after ICJ ruling

By Jessica Corbett
27 January 2024

“An immediate cease-fire by all parties remains essential and—although not ordered by the court—is the most effective condition to implement the provisional measures and end unprecedented civilian suffering.”

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Israel accuses the ICJ of (you guessed it) antisemitism

By Caitlin Johnstone
27 January 2024

The International Court of Justice rejected Israel’s request to dismiss the genocide case brought against it by South Africa on Friday, ruling by a massive majority that the case shall proceed and instructing Israel to refrain from killing and harming Palestinians in the interim.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

ICJ Ruling on Israel crimes “Poses the greatest political dilemma for the Biden presidency”

By Phyllis Bennis
27 January 2024

“I only hope that Biden will, on this occasion, stand up for justice.”

Accessed 26 February 2024:

The ICJ could not order a general ceasefire. It ordered Israel to cease fire

By Moon of Alabama
27 January 2024

The responses by U.S. main stream media to the ICJ judgment on Israel are moronic.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Ignore Israel’s spin: ICJ HAS ordered a ceasefire – and much more than a ceasefire

By Skwarkbox (SW)
27 January 2024

Desperate damage control by genocidal regime can’t hide the facts – the ICJ has gone well beyond a mere ceasefire: Israel has been ordered to protect Palestinians in Gaza, not just stop shooting at them.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Stark lessons for Australia in ICJ Genocide Ruling: But is anyone listening?

By Margaret Reynolds
27 January 2024

I doubt if any Australia political leader was watching the International Court of Justice President Judge, Joan E Donahue (United States of America) deliver the ruling in South Africa’s case alleging Israel has committed genocide on Palestinians in Gaza.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Australia’s role in further collective punishment on Gazans

By Helen McCue
29 January 2024

Israel has for years been determined to cut aid to the refugees both in Gaza and the West Bank.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

On the precipice: The US pushes allies towards a Middle East war

By Tony Kevin
30 January 2024

Netanyahu and his supporters in Washington are playing for very high and dangerous stakes indeed as the Middle East war threatens to widen beyond Gaza.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Enough is enough for Gaza and Assange

By Alison Broinowski
30 January 2024

The International Court of Justice has responded rather toothlessly to South Africa’s appeal to the Genocide Convention. In less than a month, a similar result can be expected when Britain’s Royal Courts of Justice hear for Julian Assange’s last appeal against extradition to the United States.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

The 2025 Federal Election – what are we to do?

By Paul Heywood-Smith
30 January 2024

For many of us a burning issue in our lives at this time is clearly what is happening in the Middle East – or more particularly Palestine.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Israel’s mainstream brought us to The Hague, not its lunatic fringes

By Gideon Levy
30 January 2024

Isaac Herzog, Yoav Gallant, Israel Katz: Israel’s president, defence minister and foreign minister. The president of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Joan Donoghue, chose to cite all three of them as evidence of suspicion of incitement to genocide in Israel.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

ICJ interim decision on genocide in Gaza

By Geoff Taylor
31 January 2024

Good on Hilary Charlesworth for being one of the 15, and for one court order, 16, judges who came down on the side of humanity on Friday 26th January.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Israel cannot hide from the International Court of Justice

By Jeffrey Sachs
31 January 2024

It is easy to be cynical about the international rule of law. No sooner had the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that Israel is plausibly committing genocide against the Palestinian people than the U.S. State Department declared, “We continue to believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded and note the court did not make a finding about genocide or call for a ceasefire in its ruling…” Israeli leaders declared the case to be “outrageous” and “antisemitic..” Yet the risks for Israel of the ICJ ruling, and its follow-up in the next year or two, are profound. If Israel spurns the Genocide Convention, it imperils its place within the community of nations.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

In waging war on the UN refugee agency, the West is openly siding with Israeli genocide

By Jonathan Cook
1 February 2024

Israel has long plotted the downfall of UNRWA, aware that it is one of the biggest obstacles to eradicating the Palestinians as a people.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Stripped bare: The Albanese government’s support for genocide

By Peter Henning
1 February 2024

It is now very obvious that the Albanese government is determined to assist Israel in ensuring that the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) are undermined and rendered unworkable.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

The decision of the International Court of Justice

By Paul Heywood-Smith
2 February 2024

By way of introduction let me quote Richard Falk, noted international law professor and former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Falk: the decision by the ICJ “marks the greatest moment in the history of the [Court]”.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

ICJ orders and suspending UNRWA

By Niall McLaren
2 February 2024

The Albanese government’s utter failure to condemn Israel for its blatant breaches of all the ICJ orders, at the same time as suspending payments to UNRWA, thereby pushing 2 million refugees to the edge of starvation, seems like the grossest hypocrisy.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

30 bound and ‘executed’ Palestinians found at Gaza School after IDF Exit

By Brett Wilkins
4 February 2024

“This is precisely why Israel was taken to the International Court of Justice with the accusation that it is committing genocide,” said one legal expert.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Calling all pacifists

By David O’ Halloran
4 February 2024

“We are called to live ‘in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of all wars’. Do you faithfully maintain our testimony that war and the preparation for war are inconsistent with the spirit of Christ? Search out whatever in your own way of life may contain the seeds of war. Stand firm in our testimony, even when others commit or prepare to commit acts of violence, yet always remember that they too are children of God.”

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Palestinians are the new Jews

By Evan Jones
5 February 2024

The Israeli leadership is currently engaged in an undoubted genocide against the Palestinian population of Gaza. A complementary mopping up operation continues (if in slow motion) in the West Bank.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Open letter to Prime Minister Albanese on the urgent situation in Gaza and the freeze of UNRWA funds

By Kathryn Kelly
5 February 2024

IPAN, the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network, is inviting organisations and individuals throughout Australia to sign the open letter to the Prime Minister on Gaza and their freezing of funds to UNRWA.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

A pro-Israel policy will become electoral poison for Labor

By Ali Kazak
5 February 2024

The Labor and Liberal parties’ blind pro-Israel policy will haunt them in the next federal election.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Are Australian government ministers complicit in genocide?

By Paul Gregoire
7 February 2024

The 26 January findings of the International Court of Justice relating to South Africa’s genocide claim against Israel, do not only have bearing on that state, but they trigger the obligation to prevent genocide required of all 153 state parties to the 1948 Genocide Convention, including Australia.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

A nuclear armed Rogue State is threatening Asian peace and stability

By Jerry Grey
7 February 2024

Rogue State – noun. “A nation or state regarded as breaking international law and posing a threat to the security of other nations.” (Oxford English Dictionary).

Three unrelated statements have been issued recently that will change the way we look at the United States forever – or at least they should. They point to a very disturbing conclusion; the United States is a Rogue State.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Israel in contempt of ICJ orders

By John Curr
9 February 2024

In contested proceedings, a Court may make interim orders before the final determination to prevent irreparable harm. Those orders have full force and effect whatever the ultimate decision. Breach of those orders is contempt of court.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Let them eat dirt

By Chris Hedges
11 February 2024

The final stage of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, an orchestrated mass starvation, has begun. The international community does not intend to stop it.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Deflect, distort, deny

By Reb Halabi
12 February 2024

In what world does a dominant state claim they have a right to defend themselves against those they have unethically, immorally and illegally imprisoned for decades, killed and persecuted without trial?

Accessed 26 February 2024:

The Australian Parliament fails to uphold international law preventing genocide in Gaza

By Margaret Reynolds
13 February 2024

The Australian Parliament failed to recognise its responsibilities last week when Greens Leader Adam Bandt, responding to the International Court of Justice interim ruling to prevent genocide, initiated a vote for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Silencing Francesca Albanese

By Eugene Doyle
13 February 2024

It was with a sense of disgust rather than despair that I read in the Jerusalem Post this week: “‘Antisemitic’ UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese banned from Israel.” We’re being gas-lighted again and this is a chance to push back against the narrative that to support victims of Israel is to somehow be antisemitic.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

South Africa seeks ICJ emergency order to halt genocide in Rafah

By Paul Heywood-Smith
15 February 2024

South Africa has made an urgent request for the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to issue emergency orders to prevent “large-scale killing, harm and destruction” from Israel’s imminent assault on Rafah. The ICJ, which is preparing to commence separate hearings on the legal status of Israeli occupation next week, has yet to respond. The world awaits the Hague’s response.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

With Rafah under siege, ICJ reiterates Israeli obligations under Genocide Convention

By Jessica Corbett
17 February 2024

A South African leader welcomed the court’s affirmation that “the perilous situation demands immediate and effective implementation of the provisional measures” from its earlier ruling.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Time to occupy Israel

By Stuart Rees
21 February 2024

Amid end time destruction, we must liberate Gaza, march to the security wall, and Occupy Israel.

Accessed 26 February 2024:

Today, every Palestinian is a target for death, extermination and genocide

By Amar Bendjama
22 February 2024

“We are rapidly approaching a critical juncture where the call to halt the Machinery of Violence will lose its significance.”

Accessed 26 February 2024:


Article updated February 29, 2024.

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