
William De Maria
Dr William De Maria is a Brisbane based writer and political commentator.
Minister for Attack: Can anything stop Peter Dutton?
Defence Minister Peter Dutton is running a hard line towards China. But he’s not unstoppable. A federal election is coming up and the voters of Dickson could very well vote him out. Continue reading »
I’ve got the Anzac Day Blues
Australia has never been the maker of its own history. So said the legendry Manning Clark, who spent a life mapping the heart of our nation. From the utterly worthless Sudan campaign of 1885 to the atrocity-ridden Afghanistan War of 2001-2013, our people have been made to wade through blood in foreign lands to satisfy Continue reading »
The Australian War Memorial avoids the central issue: Why did we fight so many immoral, corrupt and failed wars?
Meet Gustav, the German messenger dog. Running through the deadly orange mist of mustard gas to deliver a message to trenched in German soldiers. Yes, the gas mask is very interesting. It is just one of countless items on display at the Australian War Memorial. The collection is world class I might add because it Continue reading »
Is Ben Roberts-Smith the Biggest Anzac Story since Gallipoli?
When Brendan (“Biggles”) Nelson, AWM Director at the time, heard about the early allegations againt Robert-Smith and other soldiers, he fumed: “Where is the national interest in tearing down our heroes?” It’s my very strong view that the alleged controversies involving special forces, unless involving the most egregious breaches of the laws of armed combat, Continue reading »
Richard Boyle: The overtaxed whitstleblower
It’s hard to believe this email started a war. Continue reading »
Cry me a scandal: Tear storms and showers of deceit in the Canberra Bubble
Linda Reynolds, the Defence Minister, is crying. Christian Porter, the Attorney-General, is crying. “Holidays” Morrison is bubbling away. It’s very depressing. I hope they are going to be OK. Continue reading »
OECD Chief Mathias Cormann: a lose-lose for Australia and Europe
Pictures stick in your head don’t they. The tongue kiss Soviet President Brezhnev gave East German President Eric Honecker in 1979 is one. That photo of Scotty (“Holidays”) Morrison and now deposed clown-king Donald Trump getting close on the White House lawn is another. Smiling, whispering, foreheads touching, a speck of dribble on the corner Continue reading »
Afghanistan warcrimes: best we forget
The council of the Australian War Memorial, including Tony Abbott and Kerry Stokes, have doubled down on their support of alleged Australian war-criminals and transformed the Memorial from a solemn veneration of Australia’s war dead into a protection racket. Continue reading »
Techno pickpockets: Crown bathes in misery created by toxic gambling culture
A significant proportion of Crown’s profits come from its world class electronic gaming machines (pokies) that deploy sophisticated psychological principles to maximise bet sizes and machine usage. About 75% of people experiencing gambling problems report pokies as the main source. An inquiry into the misery caused by gambling addiction is well overdue. Continue reading »
James Packer and the dispossession of Barangaroo
There seems little difference between the NSW Government kicking out public housing tenants from Millers Point and the Rocks in the vicinity of the planned Crown casino and the ruthless clearance and demolition of Palestinian villages to make way for Israeli settlements. Continue reading »
Brendan Nelson’s Gold Brick Road. Part 3
Former Defence Minister Brendan Nelson’s troubling hook-up with Boeing Defence. Continue reading »
Julie Bishop’s travels along the Gold Brick Road. Part 2
In this second of a three-part examination of the employment of former senior Coalition ministers, we investigate former Foreign Minister Julie (“Duchess”) Bishop’s post-politics employment with the international aid group Palladium. Continue reading »
Helen Coonan saw no evil and heard no evil over nine long years
For more than nine years, Helen Coonan has been a non-executive director of Crown. More than enough time to get wise about this criminal organisation, one would have thought. Continue reading »
The new normal: the former ministers racing down the Gold Brick Road (Part 1)
This is a three-part look at the afterlife of former Commonwealth ministers of the Crown. Because of space limitations, the inquiry focuses on the notorious post-politics employment of two defence ministers, Christopher Pyne and Brendan Nelson, and one foreign minister, Julie Bishop. Continue reading »
Mr Murdoch goes to Hell
Even the Devil was impressed with the level of hypocrisy on display on the sin sheet of News Corp’s executive chairman. Continue reading »
Searching for Scotty: using the Bible to show that capitalism has God’s seal of approval – Part 2
Scott Morrison serves two masters: his God, as a Pentecostal believer; and his people, as a democratically elected leader. And as Ecclesiastics says: “Work hard, enjoy the fruits of your labour and do not be ashamed of your wealth.” Continue reading »
Who is Scotty Morrison, master of the dark art of linguistic deception? Part 1
Humpty Dumpty: When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less. Alice: The question is whether you can make words mean so many different things. Humpty Dumpty: The question is which is to be master — that’s all.” Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass. Continue reading »
Scotty (‘Holidays’) Morrison and that affair with Donald
It was the sign that got me in. “Little Johnny & the Trumpettes, here tonight.” I have been following this nostalgia band of old, once powerful white men as they slowly gig their way through the RSL club network of country New South Wales. Continue reading »
Latest hits from His Master’s Voice – Little Johnny and the Trumpettes
While our parliament houses will not be stormed any time soon, Sky News is still around, as is Rupert Murdoch, Trump’s great backer, and The Australian. So, too, are George, Pauline and Craig. Continue reading »
Most viewed posts 2020: Private Schools: Blessed are the rich (Oct 14, 2020)
Last year Shore’s income was $87.54 million. It is a rich school for kids of rich parents. It is also a charity. Yes, just like Habitat Australia, in Mount Street, North Sydney, just down the road from the school, Shore is a registered charity. Continue reading »
And the third Khaki Shultzie goes to…
Recently the Chief of the Defence Force, General Angus Campbell, won the inaugural Khaki Shulztie. The award is named after Sergeant Shultz (“I know nuuuthing!”) from the TV show Hogan’s Heroes. The award recognised General Campbell’s ignorance about Afghanistan in the face of overwhelming information that was or could have been at his disposal. Continue reading »
Lieutenant-General Burr, can you stand up. We can’t see you!
In Burr’s regiment were many of Justice Brereton’s bad boys. That so many of them were able to mask their incubating psychopathology reflects badly on the psychological assessment tools Burr’s people were administering. Continue reading »
George Orwell, are you listening? Truth warping about Afghanistan war crimes
We are being asked to believe that a cosy coterie of retired public servants and academics are going to drive Army change and make things all wonderfully transparent for us. What rubbish. Where do I get my tickets for that show? Continue reading »
The Afghan Homilies of Saint Peter Cosgrove
Who is one of the most admired public figures in Australia today? John Howard, Tony Abbott? No. To pursue that line would make this into a comedy piece. It’s Peter Cosgrove. Continue reading »
Shoot to thrill: the night operation to Shina village
Friday morning in Brisbane. Everything seems normal expect for that gleaming black Toyota Crew Van brooding across the street. Before time allows a second look, BAM!! Members of the Queensland Police Service’s Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) burst like shrapnel from the back of the unit. Continue reading »
Bowling Tips from John Howard
Former Prime Minister John Howard loved cricket as much as he loved war-making. Problem was he was terrible at the former and successful at the latter. Continue reading »
Private Schools: Blessed are the rich
Last year Shore’s income was $87.54 million. It is a rich school for kids of rich parents. It is also a charity. Yes, just like Habitat Australia, in Mount Street, North Sydney, just down the road from the school, Shore is a registered charity. Continue reading »
Charity regulator is failing us.
Charity scams are on a rocket trajectory. Since 2019 they have risen by a massive 70%. There have been more than 1000 charity scam reports since the beginning of this year. Continue reading »
Julia Gillard and those Military Funerals
While sitting in on 24 soldier funerals did Gillard ask herself the same question, in substance, “is it worth it?”. No doubt each time she would have given herself the same answer “yes”. Continue reading »
War crimes in Afghanistan: where will justice fall?
One year out from the 20th anniversary of the start of the Australian occupation of Afghanistan, a report is about to explode like a cluster bomb, showering shrapnel of guilt, denial, blame and even deep sorrow. Continue reading »